Chapter Three

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    I have spent about 2 days in this grocery store. It has all the stuff I need and to survive off of. None of those creatures have come to bother me, not complaining though since they are disgusting.
    It's late at night and I'm getting really bored. When you don't have anyone to interact with and you only interact with mutated weird creatures you're obviously going to go somewhat insane. Humans are social creatures.
    I pack my stuff along with extra supplies in my backpack. Staying in one place for too long isn't good. I make sure my gun is loaded and head out. Honestly I should get a better gun. This thing just isn't doing it for me. I look around the abandoned city surprised that the street lights are still working. They're flickering but at least it's some source of light I have. Roaming up and down the streets I encounter several things I find weird. Fires that looked like it was just lit. Banging that echoes throughout the streets. Cars begin— Bang, I quickly turn around to see several of those creatures. I'm not calling them zombies because who knows what they actually are. But would it be disrespectful to just call them creatures— I mean humans don't like it when they're called animals even when they are animalsI take little steps back and aim with my gun. I take a deep breath and shoot one in the leg. I have to get this done quickly. Looks like there's only three out. I shoot all of them in the legs since that impairs their walking. Damn, I have great aim. Even though I bet I could kill all of them on the spot I make a run for it. It's most likely that more of them will come because of the gun shots. I sprint through the dimly lighted streets, attempting not to make unnecessary noise. As I run through the streets more and more, creatures are spotted in the corner of my eyes. I should really stop calling them creatures. More like zombies. But some of them are still conscious. However they still are going to harm me in some way or the other. The cold air hitting my face is making me feel more energetic. Running freely through these streets is fun. To be honest, those creatures chasing me are making it more fun. It's giving me a sense of freedom I've never felt.

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