Skin, Scars and Bones

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Takes Place in Episode 1 season 2. Wylan hasn't eaten for weeks, months he barely has enough money to afford the rent on his workshop. He thought he was safe playing his flute in the Barrel but he forgot about Pekka Rollins and his thugs, Rollins thugs throw Wylan from their territory warning him what'll happen if he comes back. 

Wylan stumbles back to his workshop to find Kaz waiting for him in the dark, Kaz doesn't need any light to see that Wylan isn't coping well at all. 


The wind was harsh in the Barrel this evening although there were small fire pits for people to warm themselves by there was nothing in the damp patch that Wylan was sat in outside the Dime Lions club playing his flute was how Wylan earned some of his money he had also earned some from making packages for Kaz Brekker but Kaz and his Crows hadn't been seen for months. As the clubs were starting to close customers were coming out and passing by where Wylan was sat most of them looked at him like he was just some dirt on the bottom of their shoes but every now and then a drunk customer threw some of their coins into Wylan's flute box. 

Wylan had been so focussed on playing that he hadn't noticed the sinister looking man watching him from the window, this man went by the name Pekka Rollins and he was one of the most notorious gang leaders in the barrel. Footsteps on the wet cobbles pulled Wylan from his music and he looked up and saw three men stood in front of him, he quickly packed away his things but one of the men grabbed him and dragged him towards the main street Pekka Rollins appeared behind the man and said 'Consider this your final warning boy, if you ever set foot on my territory again I'll kill you by boiling you in your own piss'.

After Midnight the streets of Ketterdam were almost deserted apart from a few Prostitutes looking for work Wylan felt so sorry for them as he passed by the alleyway where they were all gathered. Once he reached his workshop he locked the door behind him and made his way down the steps into his laboratory and living quarters, he placed his flute case on his bed and his rucksack down on the floor he started to undo his coat when a voice boomed behind him 'Wylan' he turned around and saw Kaz stood behind him. 

Wylan smiled and said 'Your alive, you do know that the Stavwatch are after you there's posters up all over the Barrel', Kaz approached the workbench and said 'Wylan I need you to make a new Package for me, and don't even think about saying no I will pay you and I have an opportunity for you as-well'. Wylan shook his head and said 'I don't need your money Kaz' Kaz sat down and said 'Wylan when was the last time you ate, the light may be terrible in here but I can easily see you've lost weight and I want to know where that blood came from'.

Wylan covered the blood stain with his coat and turned away from Kaz as he said 'It's an old blood stain I've not been able to get it off' Kaz raised his voice slightly 'Wylan I am not trying to upset you' Kaz noticed how Wylan flinched when he shouted and his voice softened again 'I'm trying to help you, now show me'.

Many people would say that Kaz didn't have a lot of love in his heart for anyone except Inej or his older brother who died years ago, but seeing Wylan slowly pull his shirt over his head revealing all the bruises and cuts on his back and stomach not to mention the bones sticking out like twisted branches in a forest made Kaz feel sorry for the boy. 

Kaz told Wylan to lay down on the bed which the boy did without any arguing, as Kaz retrieved some water from the sink he noticed that there was no food in the store he had no idea how the boy was still alive or at least not very poorly from malnutrition. Wylan looked over his shoulder as Kaz walked back over to the bed carrying a bowl of warm water and a cloth Kaz also picked up a roll of bandage and two glass bottles one containing Honey and the other containing Witch-hazel. 

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