Screams in the Darkness.

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The Menagerie a large part of Ketterdam filled with drug houses and Brothels, all in old buildings that leaned to one side like drunken people. In the Centre of the Menagerie is the Iron Rose Brothel owned by a kind woman called Lizzie, she takes in girls and boys and keeps them safe whilst they work, but lately the female Prostitutes and male sex workers live in fear and horror. 

Every night for weeks there have been a series of gruesome murders not just on girls but boys as-well. 

Their lead into the dark alleys by a client or so they think but the last thing they see is the glimmer of the knife and soon their bodies are discovered defiled and brutally murdered left for all to see. Kaz and his crows are hired by Lizzie to investigate the murders and catch the killer. 

(I based the murderer on Jack the Ripper) 


The Iron rose brothel was full of life this evening there had been no murders for a few days and trade was happening as normal, Lizzie had told her girls and boys to keep eyes on each-other and inform her of anything strange happening. But nobody noticed the man in the black coat and black top hat talking to Andrew in the corner, that was until the man took Andrew by his right hand and lead him out into the street and a young boy noticed and followed them.....oh how he wished he hadn't. 

At first the man kissed Andrew on the lips and down his neck leaving small bite marks and when he tries to remove Andrew's trousers Andrew pushes him away shouting 'Get off me please stop' the man stumbled back and Andrew saw his chance and ran through the maze of alleyways but he was lost and whichever he went he might run into the mans clutches he quickly decided to run back the way he'd come and as he ran round the corner he caught the glimmer of the blade and then he felt pain in his chest. 

Andrew looked down and saw that where his nipples were was now just a massive wound that was bleeding, the man grabbed me and held me with my back against the front of his body as he put one hand round my mouth and said 'Go on you beautiful creature scream nobody's going to save you now'. The blade was shoved into Andrew's body multiple times in different places and as he lay bleeding on the cold wet ground the man raped him and then slit his throat before cutting Andrew's body open and trailing his organs near the body as he skulked off into the night.

(The next day)

Jesper was always the first to wake and that was because he loved looking at Wylan as he slept peacefully beside him the white silk sheets barely covering his body showing off his beautiful soft skin, Wylan stirred slightly and said 'I can feel you watching me my love' Jesper leaned over and kissed Wylan on the lips before leaning back against his pillows and softly saying 'Can you blame me my merchling you are so gorgeous and I could stare at you all day'.

Wylan moved over to Jesper and put one leg over so he was straddling him and said 'I'm not so sure the servants approved of us making out on the grand piano', Jesper laughed slightly and said 'Oh that poor maid she was very shocked'. The couple spent a little bit longer in bed making out Jesper had just flipped Wylan over so he was laying on top of his Demo man and before he could even kiss him they were interrupted by a knock at their door and before either of them could get up the door opened and the new maid Rachel walked in with a letter in her hand but when she saw the sight before he she turned away and said 'Pardon me sirs but this letter arrived for you from a Mr Brekker I'll leave it here'.

As Rachel left the room Wylan got out of bed grabbing his night shirt as he picked up the letter for Jesper to read, Jesper read the letter as Wylan picked out his outfit for today he looked over at Jesper and said 'My love what's wrong' Jesper put the letter down and walked to where Wylan was and said 'Kaz wants us to meet him and the others at Menagerie, there's been a series of gruesome murders over the past week. The murderer seems to targeting the girls and boys from the Iron rose Brothel'. Wylan finished buttoning up his waistcoat and said 'I'd heard there had been no murders for a few days' Jesper took a deep breath as he softly said 'There was one last night a boy'.

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