Screams in the Darkness (Part 2)

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Wylan and Jesper arrive at the crow club and discover that the killer not only struck again at the Menagerie last night but also tracked Drystan to the crow club and chased him down before killing him near the canal. Kaz calls Wylan into his office and shows him the ring that he and Nina found last night and Wylan is shocked but not surprised that his father is the killer. 

As the day goes on the killer is getting bolder and killing in broad daylight and as the crows investigate the latest crime scene Wylan finds a note with his name on written in the victims blood from his father. It's up to the crows but mainly Wylan to put an end to the killers crimes. 


Dawn slowly broke over Ketterdam and the countryside and the people of Ketterdam were waking up to discover the news that two more murders had taken place last night, Kaz sent a rider to deliver an urgent message to Wylan and Jesper asking them to come to the crow club as soon as they could. Wylan woke to the sound of someone knocking at the front door the noise soon woke Jesper who turned to look at Wylan and said 'Who's banging this early in the morning' Wylan was about to answer when there was a knock at their bedroom door followed by the voice of the housekeeper Mrs Green who said 'My apologies Sir's I know it's early but there is a rider from Ketterdam with a message for you both from a Mr Brekker'. 

Both Wylan and Jesper looked at each-other and knew that this meant something bad had happened or Kaz was just being bossy and ordering them to come to crow club before they were even awake properly, but never the less they both got out of bed and made their way downstairs to receive the message from the rider. 

As they walked down the stairs into the main hallway the rider bowed his head and said 'Here you are Sirs, good day to you both' the rider made a swift exit from the house and made his way back to Ketterdam. Jesper opened the message reading it to himself before whispering in Wylan's ear 'There were two more murders last night, another girl from the Iron Rose Brothel and the boy Drystan, but Kaz also has some news to tell us', Wylan held back the tears as he nodded and said 'Okay well I guess we'd better get ready, Mrs Green can you ask the new stable boy to have our horses ready to go in 2 minutes'. 

Mrs Green smiled at Wylan and said 'Of course Sir, I'll ask cook to pack you some food. You'll need all the strength you can get'. Once Jesper and Wylan were dressed they made their way downstairs where Thomas gave them a satchel with some food inside after which they walked out of the front doors where their horses were waiting for them, they both climbed onto their horses and galloped off towards Ketterdam. 

After a rather wet and muddy ride they eventually arrived at the crow club in Ketterdam, the stable boy Jonas smiled at them both and took their horses into the stables as both Wylan and Jesper walked into the building Kaz walked down the stairs and said 'About time you two got here' Jesper hung his wet over coat up and said 'The roads were really slippery we had to walk the horses the rest of the way it was too dangerous to gallop'. Kaz was about to say something else when Wylan spoke up 'So are you going to tell us what happened last night and how the boy ended up dead by the canal' Nina walked over and said 'The killer he tracked down the boy somehow and he watched from the roof of the building opposite my bedroom, the boy woke up during the night and saw the killer's bloodied face staring back at him through the window'. 

Kaz interjected and said 'I was in the bar when the boy came running downstairs I tried to stop him but he was so scared of the killer and possibly me that he ran out of the door and down the back streets towards the bridge. Me and Nina found him but the killer had got to him first I held his hand when he died, but there was something else'. 

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