Chapter 1; Hotdogs and Frog Legs

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Every year there was a celebrity barbeque, all different actors, musicians and just regular celebrities. One year...this fateful year, Jennifer Coolidge was attending, and guess what she brought? Hotdogs of course! Jennifer arrived at the barbeque and placed her tray of grilled hawtdawgs on the table with the other food, she was mingling, hoping to find a man as she has just recently gone through a divorce. 

After a while she started getting FAMISHED so she went over to the food, and of course she was mostly eating hawtdawgs, she saw frog legs and thought "yum" so she went over to the fruits and legs to pick some out...and then she saw him, Kermit the Frog. She watched as Kermit grabbed different fruits, avoiding the frog legs of course, she watched as he went over to the hotdogs and tried one, it was clear he liked them, so he grabbed a few more. She went over to the hotdogs and sheepishly watched him as she ate.

After a few minutes of her watching him eat, he noticed, and spoke up. "Uhm, hi who are you? and uh- why are you watching me eat hotdogs?" Kermit said with a mouth-full.

Jennifer: "ouhh I'm sawrry was I being weird? I mayde these and I was waunding if you liked themm." She said in her usual Jennifer Tone.

Kermit: "oh- no your fine, uh they're quite good actually so uh- no need to worry. uh what was your name?" 

Jennifer: "ouh, my name is Jennifour...and you're kourmet the fraug, roight?"

Kermit nodded and they starting talking, once the barbeque was over they exchanged numbers and went out for some drinks together, after a while of drinking they ended up at Kermit's place. They woke up (fully clothed u dirty birds) in each other's arms, shocked they both quickly started getting their things together. "ouuh, I didn't expect this...." Jennifer said as she put her shoes on and got her purse. Kermit watched as Jennifer left the house in a hurry, he knew she had a job (she an actor btw if any of yall live under a rock) he was sad, but from what he can remember he loved the night they shared together, even if it was just talking.


Jennifer just left a studio after filming part of a movie, she noticed she got a text about an hour ago and screamed "ouuuuggghh" when she saw a text from Kermit that said 'I know neither of us really remember the night before, but I know I loved it and want to do it again some time..'
Jennifer blushed and took a taxi back to Kermit's house.

Jennifer Coolidge x Kermit The Frog (idfk)Where stories live. Discover now