Chapter 2; The Ex-Hubby

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Kermit and Jennifer had been seeing each other for a few weeks now, sneaking in and out of each others houses, the didn't want the press to find out, seeing as how Kermit was still married to Miss Piggy and all. They knew as soon as the press found out so would Miss Piggy, and boy would she be pissed, it'd be like an all-out WWE smack down, only it wouldn't be fake.

One fateful night when Kermit was sneaking into Jennifer's house, her Ex-Husband decided to randomly show up and ask for forgiveness, when Kermit got into the house from the window, instead of seeing Jennifer in the usual spot they'd meet up, he heard arguing from down the hall, he followed the noises that led into the front door, he took a peek outside and saw Jennifer and her Ex-Husband arguing.

Ex-(Roland) : "you and I both know you still loved me! and yet for whatever reason you divorced me anyways! the kids miss you, they ask about you almost everyday, you do know that, don't you? do you even miss them at all?"

Jennifer: "Of course I miss them! I think about them every second of every day, but you were the one who didn't let us have shared custody in the first place, Roland! And by the way, I never loved you, I was just scared what you'd do if I didn't accept your proposal!"

Kermit was shocked, unlocking new lore he didn't know went so deep, he accidentally pushed the door open, Jennifer and Roland stared at him, both shocked.

Jennifer: "'re an hour early-"

she whispers before cutting herself short and staring at Roland, waiting for a reaction.
Roland's eyes flare in anger and jealousy.

Roland-Ex: "you'd rather some frog, over me!? ME!? CLEARLY you don't have your priorities straight, JENNIFER. How could you even date him??? aren't you one of those suprem-"

Roland's speech is cut off when Kermit punches him in the face, which is surprising because he's a lot shorter than Roland, but man he packs a mean punch. Roland doubles over and clenches his now bleeding nose, slowly he gets up and scurries away, like the rat he is. "YOU'LL REGRET THIS KERMIT THE FROG!!!! YOU'LL NEVER FORGET THE  NAME ROLAND GEISER!!!!" Roland yells as he runs into his car and drives off.

Jennifer: "ouuh, thank you Kermy...I'm so sorry you had to see me and him fight...I never wanted that to happeen, I had no idea he would even show up, I don't know what to s-"

Kermit gives Jennifer a quick kiss and reassures her.

Kermit: "it's okay my don't have to apologise for a messed up least you had the courage to leave him, that's all I could've asked of you..." 

Right then and there, Kermit knew what he had to do next, break up with Miss Piggy. The next morning he kissed Jennifer goodbye and left her house as he set out to his own, to confront Miss Piggy, and break up with her once and for all. 

Jennifer Coolidge x Kermit The Frog (idfk)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt