Chapter 4: Fried Muppet

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After discovering Jennifer is a supremacist, Kermit decides to sneak into the next meeting, which is tonight. He made himself stilts to make himself taller, as well as a robe to cloak himself. After learning how to walk normally on stilts, he found the location of the meeting and headed out to spy on Jennifer. Once he arrives in his disguise he makes his way through the crowd and to one of the front seats.

Kermit: "there's no way she'd actually be here....maybe I'll just text her.."
Kermit whispers to himself

He opens his phone and sends Jennifer a text saying "hey, you up...if you are, wanna hang out?" and she replies quickly with "Oh, no sorry I can't tonight I have a friend with something." making Kermit more nervous. The lights dim and a cloaked figure walks on to the stage and removes they's Jennifer....

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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