Are We There Yet?

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The drive to Vail felt more slow than originally possible. The entire time, I had to constantly move my body so it wouldn't brush against Tanner, which left me feeling squished and uncomfortable. I decided I was going to stay silent. Maybe if I just had no response to anything he was going to say, he would get bored.

Slowly, I grabbed a book I had packed, an old, broken down copy of White Fang, by Jack London. It was falling apart, so I had tied the entire thing together with a rubber band. The book was a classic, written in 1906, decades before anyone I knew alive was born. At first, the story horrified me. The main character (which was a dog), White Fang, kept getting brutally treated by so many people. As I got older, I realized the book had something that books today lacked - reality. In reality, people are mean. In reality, you deal with what you get, happy or not.

I as I was reading, I noticed Tanners eyes were focused on the book. Suddenly, I'm relieved that I brought this book instead of a cringey romance novel, or something worse. In fact, I chose a book as far as possible from both things. Thank god I did - Tanner won't be able to make fun of this book. Just as I think that, he proves me wrong. "Why are you reading a book about a dog getting beaten up?" he asks. "Seems kind of depressing. But then again, you're the one reading it..." Instead of fighting back with words, I elbow his chest. He leans over in his seat, gasping for air. "White Fang is a classic. It's about more than a dog getting beaten up! B-by the way, why are you reading my book? It's just, people with, people with, people that have your level of brain power are n-normally too dumb to understand it." I say into his ear, slightly stuttering. I always get a bit nervous around him, which messes up my comebacks. It's annoying. Then he gets back up and shoves me into the side of my seat. Angrily, I grab his neck in a headlock. Maybe I'll get to punch him again...

Before I can do anything, Lukas pops his head over the seat in front of us. "What are you doing?" he asks. Mortified, I realize that from his view, it must look like we're hugging, or at least looking friendly. Both of us immediately let each other go. I realize then that my multiple pieces of White Fang are broken, and one is under Tanner's shoe.

After that ordeal, I'm ready to completely ignore Tanner till the end of time. To accomplish this, I decide that I'm going to do the simplest, easiest option: Fall asleep. I lay my head against the side of the car, close my eyes, and start reciting the entire Harry Potter: The Sorcerer's Stone in my head. The theme song starts, and I see Dumbledore walking in my mind. Slowly, my exhaustion and tiredness catches up to me, lulling me to a state of unconsciousness.

When I wake up, everything looks a bit foggy. I feel comfortable and warm, seeing that my jacket is covering me like a blanket, even though I don't remember doing that. Then I notice that Tanner is reading White Fang. Good. Let him improve his braincells... Wait. What am I thinking? I get up as fast as possible, banging my head into Tanner's. All ignorance tactics forgotten, I start yelling. "Why did you take my book?!" I scream, straight into his ear. "That's my stuff, you, lazy, idi-idiotic, s-self centered THEIF!" Mr. Tross turns back from the drivers seat "Sarika, is everything ok?" he asks, concerned. I realized that the entire car was staring at me. "Uh, yeah. Everything is..." I pause glancing at Tanner, his head down, brown hair covering his eyes. "Fine. Everything is fine" "Good, because it looks like we've reached!" Mr. Tross says. I whip my head towards the window, seeing the crowds, old fashioned buildings and of course, several mountains, many with skiiers and snowboards going down and up them, tiny dots on a white expanse. From behind me, Tanner whispers "Ok, sorry, chill out. I won't take your book while you're sleeping again. Why are you so protective of your books?", a teasing grin on lips. I feel like puking. I rip my gaze from the window and hiss out, "Don't. Talk. To. Me." He looks away, the glint in his eye fading and grin completely wiped off his face. I may have actually hurt him. God, I hope so. He deserves it.

From the front of the car, google maps calls out, "You have reached your destination." I look out to a hotel, where bellhops have already come to the car, presumably to help us out with luggage. My first thought is How did the school afford this? It's distracted by everyone hurrying to get out of the car. I step out into the cold, crisp air and look around. Finally, the start of my own adventure.

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