Tai Lynn- The beginning

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"Growing up you realize anything is possible in the world." I repeated out loud and laughed. They missed a part... "With or without you" I whispered.

Teaching Primary of course you can't say that even if it's the truth. Smiling all day... pretending that you're happy... ugh I cannot do this. Why did I chose this as my profession?

The office work wasn't any better all Mr.Dan did was drop work on my desk my whole shift. I'm not complaining about the work. It's easy.

It's a piece of cake.

The annoying part is him standing over me... and touching me. Another reason why I hate that job is because most of my colleagues are men and just dump their work on the females of the company. I did not even get one break nor lunch. Nor did the rest of the females.

And now I have to endure this.
All this because I fell in love.

Ugh why, why, why did I!? WHY??!

Why did I want to fall in love? For my whole life to be ruined? All he did was give me a kid and left... bastard

Falling in love is for the definitely for the stupidest people on this earth. All that happens is you think you love a person and then you have a kid you never wanted and have to work multiple jobs at a time struggling to make ends meet.

And now it's raining

"Oh yay rain perfect day for me to forget a umbrella-"


"Now who the fuck is screaming like that at this time in the night!? I don't want to work two jobs just to hear someone let a bloodcurdling scream at 11:00 at night...."

Oh wait... it's coming from my house.

"Shit shit shit Leon please be okay..." run faster legs!

I need to take these heels off. Im not going to make it if someone is already in the house.

"I need... to slow down to take...off the heels... oh my god a bus stop!"
Throwing the heels I sprinted in my office clothing to my house.


I heard from my house. They must be the landlords... shit.

I swear to God if someone touched my kid... I'll make them wish.. they've never been born.

"Hey! Watch where your going!!" That was a lady's voice.

Out of my way. You are not a important character in my story. Fucking extra.

"Push her"

What was that just now? I need to catch my breath but i can't... slow down.. Leon please be okay!

Fuck stairways are so... annoying when.. running up and in "ACK" ugh more blood! This disease isn't going away...

The doctors don't know what my disease is and it's not getting any better nor going away.

All I want is to spend more time with Leon... my child. He didn't deserve me as a mom. I want to be able to give him a future he won't suffer in. I want to leave something behind for him before I die! But I can't do that from back here!

"hey there prettyy ladyyyy" great a goon. He's going to be a problem for me to get to my kid.

"So sorry sir but I need to get past you if you would've so kind to move.."

"And if I don't pretty lady?"

squeezing past him definitely wont be an option his shoulders are to wide and now that he's spoken... it's almost as if he's summoned the other goons.

Great now they are all surrounding me and laughing

Look at that their laughing. At you.

"Who said that?!"

Great I'm going insane!

"Pretty lady we're going to have so much fun" the one from before is laughing and cracking his knuckles... how do I get out of this and save Leon?

"Kill them all"

That voice again where is it coming from?

Looking around I noticed several things: I can't get past these thugs by myself, Leon is still nowhere to be seen, but I heard him, and third there's someone on the roof.

"Heheh you aren't going nowhere little missy" these damn goons are starting to get on my nerves.

"MOM! Help please!!!!" So it was Leon's voice I heard he's definitely in there.

"DON'T WORRY ILL BE RIGHT THERE LEON!!" Yelling isn't going to help me but I need him to know that I'm right here. I'm close to saving him.

I'm backed into the stairs I just ran up to get to my house.

Maybe if I get the close enough to me I can get away by a little opening..

"Come at me all you want!" Yelling. I never liked it. "Your not stopping me from getting to my kid!" I guess they took offense to that because they started running to me.

Just need them to get closer.

Closing in...

That's it



"I will save you from this world"

That voice!

"You will get another chance"


Oh no

No no no no no no no!

Falling to my death, down stairs. I wonder if I'll come out of this alive. A great way to go down after all my hard work in this cruel life.

Great after everything I've been through... I won't even be able to save my kid.

I guess it is true that your life flashes before your eyes when you are about to die because I saw him again.

Leon's father.

Standing in front of me smiling.

Hand out.

Suddenly all the pieces came together. He came for Leon. Those goons aren't here for rent. Their here for Leon.

I'm so sorry Leon

I wasn't strong enough. As a mom or person... maybe your will be able to protect you better than I did...

Ha wishful hoping.

All I wish for now... is a better chance
at life.. to save my kid.



Don't worry my love you will... just not here.. not now.
Hello !!!! 👋 first chapter is done ✅ I'm so excited for this book!!!
This chapter has 1000 words exactly not counting the a/n tho
How'd you like the first chapter pls tell me!!!
Hope you keep reading !!!!!

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