Chapter 1 (part 1)

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What's there to be trusted? Can you trust just anyone? Can you even trust yourself? All of those questions are a cliche but what if you came to face a situation where you saw and watched the world , the whole world for what it really is- in childhood most of us had that picture that we are the good guys we are the champions we are the hero's - look at what kind of hero you turned out to be,No social life, No experience in any job..

there is no way to call someone who works 24/7 in an office job or any job for too long and call it a job -no time to think for yourself ? I might be hating but don't misunderstood - just like how everyone thinks they're living when in reality they're repeating the same path, same circle as those who came before. We thought we were the good guys- when our family does bad and close ones even worse- we thought we were the Hero's when in reality everyone wants you to accept that everything will never turn out the way you want it -which is to give up- isn't that sad? everyone decides their limits at some point don't you think? After trying over and over-

Everyone keeps trying to encourage you to try but when does it end?

But the thing that everyone mistake about giving up -

It's that it's not -easy-

I'm not sure if I what I said makes any sense- but at least somewhere -

Whoever you are- Maybe me or someone else reading my mind or watching this on TV or even reading this somewhere- while listening to some music and relaxing after a long day

Thank you for listening

My name is-Yamato Takao-

This is my story

I was born in 2002, January 30

And it was -summer - 2008 , in the middle of that hot heat season

I was still young and energetic, I played around everywhere and tried always to do the impossible to impress my friends at the time stuff such as playing my favorite fictional characters to a tie or role play in real life some of the games we were interested in-it was mostly just me playing with my cousin son tho

It was a warm summer afternoon and I was playing around outside with my friends. When the sun started to set I knew that it was already getting late so I came back home.

Mom : " Where you been?"

I closed the door and smiling I replied -

Me :" I was on the streets as usual -"

Me :" mom, please make me dinner!"

Mom :" always when you see me- it's dinner, it's breakfast, it's lunch-"

Mom :" I am wondering what will happen if you don't see me at home one day-"

Mom :" You need to be able to cook your own meals like your cousins, you know"

Me :" sure, I can try!"

Mom :" That sounds good"

Me :" Mom! Mom! "

Mom :"what it is?"

Me :" I think , I dreamed of you yesterday"

Me :" I dreamed that I came back from playing outside and you were waiting for me just like right now"

Mom :" I see I see"

Me :" I even dreamed of a moment where I asked you to make me dinner " I giggled

Mom :" oh dear.."

I quickly finished my dinner and went to the bathroom

Dad works part time jobs,mom is at home- but all what she ever do is busy usual-

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