Part Two: Good Morning Beautiful

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Buck slowly opens his eyes and sees Eddie still in the same spot he fell asleep in, wrapped around Bucks' arm. The sun light shines in, and he can feel the warmth radiate against his skin. He slowly looks over Eddie's hair, and it seems to glow in the sunlight. The clock on his bedside reads 8:26 am. Both of them have work at 10, and he decides to get up and make coffee, showers, etc. His arm slowly slides out of Eddie's grip, trying not to wake him. Slowly leaning forward, he tried to balance his weight to not cause the bed squeak. His feet collide with the wood flooring of his upstairs floor.

Slowly making his way down the steps to turn on the kettle, he sets a timer for 9:20 to give Eddie time to sleep, but still enough time to shower, drink a cup of coffee, get dress and what ever else he needs to do. The coffee starts brewing, and buck heads to the bathroom to start the shower.

His clothes are upstairs, but waking up Eddie is not a risk he was willing to take. Starting up the shower, turning the nob just enough so it's not quite boiling hot. Buck hops in the meantime, Eddie is upstairs still sleeping, but even the slitest noise could wake him up.

*12 minutes later

Buck slowly creeps upstairs, nothing but a small hand towel covering him, it's all he could find his towel clothes, everything was upstairs. As he reaches the top step, Eddie slowly turns over, and Buck doesn't realize it.

Buck sets the small wash cloth on the bed, and Eddie can see everything. Buck goes to his dresser that is facing Eddie practically in the least. Buck goes to lay out his red long sleeves and jeans. Buck looks down at Eddie and realizes his eyes are open. Buck, not knowing what to do, say, just stands there.

"Good morning," Eddie says in a sleepy voice. Buck doesn't realize it, but he was hard as a rock. Eddie looks down at it and says, "I knew you liked looking at me, but..." Buck rushes to cover it, but Eddie interrupts him. "It's a little late for that," smiling and moving closer. " You know..." He says, looking at the clock,"I have just enough time to shower."
Eddie gets up and starts to undress in front of Buck. First, his red tank top highlights his toned abs. Then, the shorts he showed up in, last but not least, his boxers slide off. Leaving him bare and same a Buck, he was hard as a rock. He slowly walks past Buck and says, " I'll leave the door cracked in case you need me."
Buck watches Eddie as his bare ass goes from side to side each step he takes.

(Thank you for reading pt.3 tomorrow I hope the buddie content is OK for now. Next chapter will be loaded *ifykyk with smut and more)

(April 22, 2024 507 words)

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