3 ; Velvety

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A bundle of sun rays kiss your figure; the rainy weather from yesterday is nowhere to be found.

Right now, you're on your way to work.

This time, Trix finally gave you back your umbrella. Granted, you could have her not return it, but you still have your self-respect, at least. You're not about to risk your safety for some guy. Even after seriously and genuinely considering it. But, still, you didn't! That's a win in itself.


...You're too self-aware of your own desperation. It's a good thing, of course, but it stinks to know just how much you're falling.

With a huff, you skip the last few steps to the front of the cafe. It's still early, and the cafe has barely opened yet. You would have entered through the employee-only back door instead, but since there's barely any customers this time around and you're too lazy, you opted to go in the front door.

The bell chimes ring soundly through the cafe as you enter, a cold breeze nibbling on your skin. Since the air conditioning is active and the entrance is unlocked, the manager must have arrived by now.

"-do you mean it's postponed?!"

Speak of the devil.

Joy, the manager, walks out of the backroom with a phone in hand. She's talking to someone, although she looks quite frustrated. Her perfectly groomed brows are furrowed, and her jaw is clenched. To be frank, Joy isn't quite looking joyful right now.

When she makes eye contact with you, you send her a wave, a reluctant smile on your lips.

She gives you a stiff nod of acknowledgement before switching her attention back to her phone. "Look, I'll call you later. Tell the guy to get well soon."

You speak when you see her turn off her phone. "What was that about?"

"Just some supplies that got delayed," she sighs, pocketing her device. "Anyway, can you give me the keys now? Thank you for locking it when I couldn't."

"No prob, chief," you chuckle, reaching for the keys in your bag before gently throwing them to her.

It falls to the floor.

She glares at you, and you awkwardly smile.

You quickly pick it up and hand it to her. "Well! I'll go ahead and meet my fellow colleagues now, haha."

Ignoring her, you speed walk to the back room, where employees like you mostly chill when there's barely any customers. It's not a very big space, but it had enough for a table, five chairs, and a few lockers.

The door creaks open, and as you step in, you pause at the sight of him.

He's wearing black headphones that have blue accents over his soft-looking white hair. You can actually hear his music blasting all the way from your spot.

River looks up from his phone, making eye contact with you. Pulling down his headphones, he gives you a silent, questioning look from the chair he's sitting on.

Rarely, you get to see his piercings. Simple black earrings decorated his ears, usually covered by his hair or his headphones. At this distance, you could see them crystal clear. They look good.

You smile as you make your way to the seat parallel to his. "Good morning, River."

"...Morning." He nods before putting his headphones back on.

That might just be the end of your interaction, then. A bit embarrassing to admit, but you can't help but be surprised every time he actually responds to you.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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