Chapter 1: Miraculous Beginnings

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Marinette's Pov:

"Why are you using your quirk this way..?!" A young girl of the age of 5 asked.

"Because Marinette, I needed to test my quirk and Sock Cleaner over here was on my way!"

"Ah! feels like a bee sting, I-I can't move." Socqueline whimpered on the floor.

"Ew look at her, groveling at the ground! Ah!" Chloe laughed. "Let's go Sabrina. I shouldn't even bother touching Baker girl!"

"Uh.. right Chloe."

I leaned that day, even though man were created equal, it's society that grooms everyone into ideals such as privilege. Ever since I learned that I, no, no one could ever stand up to Chloe Bourgeois.

Third person Pov:

In a society where 80% of the population is born to have a supernatural ability. This is was an age of superheroes, those who fight for the peace of society.

Our story starts with a quirkless boy, Izuku Midoriya. He's been bullied, somehow got a quirk and is now the disciple of the number 1 hero, All might.. But that's one of our protagonist perspectives... The story of Miraculous Hero Academia begins with a young girl, bared with the name of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.




"Do you really want to become a hero Marinette? You'd be do so well if you became a fashion designer, your designs are so cute!" Rose yelled.

"Yeah Marinette, I knew Alya always wanted to be a hero, but coming from you, it's a bit shocking." Said Mylene

"Well. Heroes can have multiple jobs. Like pro hero Hawkmoth, but he's one of the most Famous Fashion designers in Japan!! I wish I could maintain two jobs like that."

"What's this talk about my Father?" Adrien butter into the conversation with the girls.

"Oh- Adrien!! We weren't talking bad about your dad! I just ador-.. I mean, not adore, but admire how he does his heroin stuff!"

"Heroin? Marinette, my father doesn't smuggle drugs..?"

"What Marinette means, is that she admires how Gabriel Agreste can be a famous fashion designer, as well as a pro hero too, doing heroic stuff. You know since Marinette is also into fashion." Alya explained

"I remember, Marinette designed an awesome derby hat for me for the school festival. If you really put your mind to it, I'm sure you can do both!" Adrien cheered.

"Ahahah!! Really, Dupain-Cheng?! As a pro hero?! Only the best of the best get the luxury to be a pro, let alone attend U.A high school." Chloe yelled.

"Why can't you leave us alone Chloe, you know everyone is able to apply to take the Exam." Said Alya

"That's technically right. But Chloe's taking the Recommendation test. Only the richest and best candidates get to take that test!!" Sabrina exclaimed.

"That's right, I basically already got a ticket into U.A, let's go Sabrina! It's not like these loser have anything special going on for them" Chloe strutted off with her lackey.

"That little-"

"Alix! Remember what we said about swearing!" Nino spoke up. "Remember you said you'd try not to do that anymore?"

"Right. Sorry guys, and.. sorry Rose, you already dislike swearing as it is" Alix apologised. "It's just that rich brats like her, always get on my nerves. Honestly those recommendation kids can suck it"

Miraculous Hero Academia!Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora