Chapter 3: First Class, First Days

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Third person pov:


"Not now Buttercup.. I'm too sleepy"


"AH!.. Tikki you scared me!... Oh shoot, I'm going to be late!" Marinette panicked and soon put on her new uniform.

She swiftly ran downstairs and grabbed a croissant on the way down

"Bye Mof, Byfe, Daf!" She spoke with food in her mouth.

"Marinette speak with food out of your mouth please" her mother told her.

"Sorry Mom, bye guys I love-" Before she said more, Tom had placed a hand on her left shoulder.

"We're really proud of you Marinette."

"Thanks Mom.. Dad... I'll do my best!"

Marinette left the vicinity of her parent's bakery. What would the hero course have and store for her. And what every high schooler thinks about, who's her teacher, and who are her classmates?


Unlike other years, 50 students were accepted into the hero course unlike the usual 40. 9 through recommendations, and 41 through the regular exams.

Each class would be split 25 students each.

"Class 1-A.. Where is it?! At this rate I'm going to wind up in a janitor's closet..!!"

As soon as Marinette opened the giant door to her assigned class. She stared at her classmates already inside...

"Alya!.. You're in my class!!"

"Hey girl!.. I knew we'd be together!"

"So, the other girls, they must be in Class 1-B?"

"Yeah, Alix, Juleka, Sabrina and Zoe are all in Class 1-B.. But lucky us, look who's seated next to me..!"

"Hey Marinette! I'm so glad you're in my class" He said abruptly.

"A-a-Adrien!!.. He's here..!!.?"

"Yep, so is Nino." Alya said

"Yo Marinette " he waved.

"Ugh!.. Marinette Dupain-Cheng is in my class..?! Why couldn't Sabrina just do better in the exam"

"Chloe, you know that he school split the students equally... "

"Whatever Adrikins.. I'm happy that you're here at least"

"Great, now I have to deal with her crud ag-

"Good morning..! My name Tenya Iida. Pardon my intrusion in your conversation. But I'd like to get to know all of my classmates."

"Oh I think I recognize you.. You were in the same battle center as me for the exam..."

"Yes. You demonstrated impressive craftsmanship during the exam, not only with your quirk, but the resources you had at hand."

"Well. Iida.. I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng..!"

"Your name, your not Japanese are you?"

"You're correct. While I am a Japanese citizen. My parents are from French and Chinese origin."

"Hm.. like the other 4 students at the back, you're all from different origins. Are you guys all friends?" Iida asked.

"Yep! Marinette is my bff. Nino and Adrien are also our friends. And Chloe.. she's known Marinette for a very long time." Alya butted in.

"So please, feel free to call us by our first names"

"If it okay with. Marinette, Alya, then I shall do as you please."

"*Slam!*" The classroom door once opened again.

"I'm not late am I..?"

"Hold on, it's the green hair boy.."

"That's right.. After he punched the robot. You along with the girl with the gravity quirk, saved him from injury from the fall."

"You saw that..!"

"Wow.. that's amazing Marinette!.. you're already a hero in my eyes..!" Adrien cheered.

Hearing Adrien be the first to say that, it made Marinette's heart flutter.

"I should go greet him, I'd like to get to know him better."

As Iida ran up to the boy, they exchanged names.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya.. it's really nice to meet everyone." The boy said.

"Midoriya.." Marinette mumbled.

"Has someone caught your eye Marinette?" Alya asked.

"W-what! No! It's just that.. the punch he landed.. it blew away the giant 90-pointer away so fast. He's strong, that much I can say" Marinette explained.

"If you ask me, he doesn't look like much.."

"No one asked for you opinion Chloe" Alya stood up against Chloe.

"Uh, shut up budget reporter." She turned away, going back to her cell phone.

After a quick minute, it seemed like everyone was getting along with each other.

"If you're here to make friend, I suggest pa King up and leaving " Right behind the door.

"Is that homeless guy in a sleeping bag."

"No Miss Bourgeois. You will not address me that way." The adult said after getting out of his shell.

"Who are you to tell me what to say! I can call my daddy-"

"And I can have you expelled. The mayor of Paris doesn't hold enough power to threaten the likes of U.A.. So I recommend zipping it, and letting me explain what's going on."

For once, Chloe Bourgeois fell into submission.

"Whatever sir.. Go on." She said.

"Welcome to the hero course.. It looks 30 seconds were wasted just to get you all to shut up. Time is precious, rational students would understand that. I'm Shota Aizawa. As well as your homeroom teacher."

"Look Marinette.. I'm pretty sure that's eraser head..!" Alya spoke.

"That scarf. I recognize, I tried to make one similar, but... It failed."

"Okay moving on. Put your P.E uniforms on and head outside."

"But don't we have orientation?" The brown hair girl, now known as Ochaco Uraraka, said.

"We don't have time to go through useless school functions. This is my class, so I get it run it however I want." Said Mr. Aizawa. "We're going to hold a quirk assessment test."

As soon as all the students got changed, they headed outside a field to where Mr. Aizawa was waiting.

"All of you have been taking standardized test your entire lives I presume. Never getting the chance to use your quirks. That's going t change. The country's still pretending to treat everyone as equal. But we all know that isn't true, that's why everyone here got into U.A" Spoke Mr. Aizawa. "Bakugo. You're the guy who's scored the most points on the mock exam. What was your record for a softball throw back in Junior High?"

"Around 67 metres.." He scuffed.

"Now try using your quirk when you throw." Bakugo proceeded to step ahead.

"GO TO HELL!" Bakugo yelled as he threw the ball.

"Explosions? That must be a handy quirk.." Marinette commented.

"This way, we'll get to see your potential as pros.. it's the most rational way to do things. As seen here." Mr. Aizawa showed his phone

"705.2 metres!?" The whole class exclaimed.

"That's a little insane.." said Kaminari.

"So we can have as much fun with our quirks!" Sero yelled.

"You're stupid if you think this is all fun and games... You have 3 years to become a fully fledged pro. The whole world relies on the next generation. Whoever makes it last in these fitness test.. will face immediate expulsion..!"

"Expulsion!?.. but sure isn't that a little much. We all got in because we deserved to be... And besides. A physical test would be unfair for people who excel in other skills." Alya bantered.

"While you're right.. That shouldn't matter when you're going up against real villains. They wouldn't not get physical just because you can't. This world is unfair. Disasters, villain attacks, genocide. You think those are fair? So.. good luck to all of you"

Over the course of the day, the test began.. first was the 50m dash. While Adrien, Alya, Chloe and Nino couldn't use their quirks for speed. Marinette sure could!

"Come on luck, please help me out?" Marinette proceeded to create a grappling hook. "A hook?.. where am I supposed to.." Marinette looked around, if she hooked onto one of the trees. She could fly across like that French dude with the laser beam.

"Ahh!" She yelled once she pulled herself in.

"*Thud*" Marinette soon hit the floor.

"Ow.. " Marinette groaned

"You alright Marinette?" Adrien came up to her, offering his hand to her.

"I-I'm gay... I MEAN.. I'm okay.. thanks husband.."

"Husband?" Adrien questioned.

"Adrien!.. I totally meant Adrien!!." Marinette panicked.

"Girl, you totally need to get yourself, and your quirk together." Alya said.

"I know Alya. But my quirk is entire based on luck.."

Time went by as everyone showed off what they could do to the best of the abilities, especially Midoriya when he broke hi finger in the ball throw.


"Now every one, now that I've assessed you all. There's one clear person who ranked last.. That person." Mr. Aizawa proceed to show a scoreboard of who placed where.

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