Chapter 5

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Albany, NY, 2024

John Montesano

The fire department was there earlier that day, and the house almost completely burned down. Although Carver had missed a couple of bags because there were still some guns lying around with the remains of a couple of MAC-10s and M16s. Officer Montesano pulls up to the crime scene, parks, and gets out. His partner Officer Brooks gets out and as Montesano locks the door, Brooks begins putting up black and yellow crime investigation tape that reads out "CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS" John Montesano walks around, scanning the crime scene.

Montesano- "Man... what do you think happened?"

Brooks- "The guy living here, Joe"

Montesano- "Yeah?"

Brooks- "He had a criminal record of gang-related activities"

Montesano- "How'd he get a hold of guns then?"

Brooks- "Must of gotten them from somebody else or illegally"

Officer Montesano scratched his chin, trying to think of any scenarios that played out, until. He spotted some sort of red stick poking out from under some rubble.

Montesano- "I think I found something"

Montesano then tugged and pulled a crowbar out from under the rubble and examined it.

Brooks- "What is it?"

Officer Brooks walked over with a little baggie containing more little bits and pieces of evidence, Montesano turned around and showed Brooks the crowbar.

Brooks- "A crowbar..."

Montesano- "I'm thinking this crowbar was used to help kill Joe and the fire was started to cover everything up"

Brooks- "Well then, we better get this back to the lab then" 

Montesano- "Do we have enough evidence collected?"

Brooks- "Yeah, for now"

Brooks waved the little baggie.

Brooks- "We can always come back too"

Montesano- "Alright then"

Montesano unlocked the police car and opened the driver's car door, Brooks walked over and pulled the passenger door open, and got in. Montesano sat down in the driver's seat and shut his door as Brooks did too. Montesano then buckled his seatbelt as did Brooks and he inserted the car key, starting up the car. Montesano then pulled out of the crime scene and started driving back to the police station with their newfound evidence. Montesano then pulled into the police station and Montesano, and Brooks entered. Chief Gomer was standing around drinking coffee and Zhang was doing computer work. 

Zhang- "Evening boys"

Montesano- "Mhm"

Brooks- "Yep"

Montesano walked past and headed over to the lab and dropped off all the evidence for the forensics team. When Montesano walked out, Brooks and Zhang were chatting. 

Zhang- "Brooks, maybe if you started flushing the toilet I would go out on a date with you"

Brooks- "That wasn't even me! Wells goes in and out of the bathroom way more than me"

Zhang- "Well, according to Montesano Wells only uses the urinals because he doesn't usually have to crap"

Montesano- "That is true"

Brooks- "Look man, I forget to sometimes, it's not like I'm lazy or anything"

Zhang- "Mhm"

Brooks- "Look I'm sorry it was only like 2 times, I just forget when I'm in a rush to get back on the job"

Zhang- "Well, I think you gentlemen are needed at Latham"

Montesano- "Fill us in"

Zhang- "St Ambrose HS is employing you 2 to help find an absent student, kids been gone for 3 days, last seen by Dale Street"

Montesano- "Alright, come on Brooks"

Montesano and Brooks headed back outside of the station and got back into the police car as Officer Montesano started the engine. 

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