Chapter 43

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Try your best to survive through the chapter. Don't burn yourself with the sexual tension that's happening between the two.

It is worth observing how one falls in love with a person and he starts liking everything about that person. Jungkook had started observing these changes within him as well. He is enamoured by the alpha. The way his lips form a heart when he speaks, the way his eyes form crescents when he smiles, the frown that appears on his face when a strand of his hair tickles his face and so on.

Jungkook is not sure if this is common for everyone who falls in love or is it only him. Nowadays, his wants have changed into needs. His needs the alpha to be around him. He needs the alpha's scent on his clothes. He needs to see the alpha every morning as soon as he opens his eyes.

It is intoxicating.

He feels as if he is attached to the alpha so much that he has become his new found addiction. Love can be addictive. He had read this in one of the romance books.

Taehyung has become Jungkook's addiction.

But there is a problem. Now that Jungkook has realised his feelings for his mate, he can't help but feel shy around Taehyung. This is new. Everything around him feels new to him.

A week has passed since the sudden realization that had dawned upon him.
Jungkook has never been good with his feelings. Always being lonely was a major cause of him being the way he is right now. Childhood trauma can play a huge impact in a person's life and being a living example of it, Jungkook feels like he has finally won against his past and become successful in throwing it out of the window.

He understands that he can't entirely get rid of it but at least he is moving forward and getting out of the hell loop.

Finally after so many years of loneliness, Jungkook has found the place where he actually belongs. He will always be thankful to Taehyung for being his fated one because of whom he is now surrounded by people whom he loves and the people who love him back. This is something he had always wished for as a child and now getting to experience it is like a dream come true.

Yet the question arises on how he should face the alpha? It feels as if someone has put on a switch in him which makes him feel all shy and self-conscious in the alpha's presence.

He is not someone who would shy away but this Jungkook is something else. Love definitely change people in a better way, but not always.

Someone like Jungkook who doesn't like applying creams and oils on his face, had gone to Jin and asked him for products that would make him look pretty. He even had to bear the Omega's constant teasing just so he could get the products and look pretty for his mate.

He has even ordered a few new hanboks that were light-weight with fril on its end. Not to forget the flowery design that matched the ones Taehyung had drew on the letters he had given to him. The alpha had once told him that those flowers were his favorite.

He is trying to become the alpha's favorite. As if he is not already.

At first, Jungkook was flabbergasted by the way he was behaving all of a sudden. The person who never cared about how he looked or what he wore or how he sits and talk, that person is making sure to inprovise these things in him so that he could make his mate happy.

Only if he knew how in love his mate is with him...

He walks out of the bathhouse, still dawning the hanbok he had wored last night. Fortunately, the parcel of his newly stitched hanboks had arrived just this morning so now he was planning on wearing one of the newly stitched ones.

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