Chapter 5

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Brooke's POV :

"Cody why don't you take Brooke up to you're room for a bit" his mom says. I could see the smirk on his face even though I wasn't even looking at him. To avoid embarrassing my parents in front of the Herbinko's I politely agreed and followed Cody upstairs.

I entered his room , It was surprisingly different that what I thought it would be , I assumed the walls would be black, plastered with photos of naked girls and extremely messy but no it was the complete opposite it was clean , tidy , the walls were painted blue & and there was collages of him and his family.

I couldn't help but laugh at little.

"Why were you laughing?" He smirks.

"I wasn't" I lie.

"Brooke I seen you why were you laughing?" He asks again.

"I just thought your room would be different that's all" I say.

"Different? How?" He questions.

"I thought you would have naked girls on your wall and empty beer cans everywhere" I laugh again.

He laughs "I'm not as bad as people think I am" he adds.

"You kinda put it on yourself though I mean people wouldn't think bad of you if you didn't act it" I say.

"Yeah but then I don't have to deal with the bullshitters ... It's kinda my motto" he laughs.

I sit on his bed.

"What do you wanna do?" He asks.

"I don't no" I reply.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure" I say.

He puts on The ring.

"Fuck sake Cody I don't like scary movies!" I groan.

"I don't give a shit your watching it" he laughs.

Ugh I hold my head in my hands. "I don't have to do anything you say" I argue back.

"Well unless you wanna go back downstairs and embarrass your parents you're watching the ring , besides its not even that scary. he says while sitting on the bed beside me.

I sigh and the movie starts playing.


We're through about half the movie and I start to feel uncomfortable because there's a scary part happening.

I don't realise until the parts over that I had gotten so close to Cody , my head was literally on his chest.

"Ugh shit sorry I didn't mean to ...."

"You know..."

"There was a scary part and I didn't...."

I couldn't finish any one those sentences because I could feel myself blushing.

"Brooke it's okay ... I know I'm hard to resist" he smirks.

I hit his chest trying not to laugh "you no I didn't mean it like that" I add.

"Yeah I know" ..... "But you could of" he mumbled the last part but I just about made it out.

I smiled.

For some reason when I was so close to Cody it almost felt ... right.

Wait wtf am I saying he's a fuck boy and is only going to use you for sex and dump you Brooke stop it!

"Brooke we're going now sweetie" my mom calls.

Thank fuck.

I get up off the bed and go to open the door.

Cody stops me.

He gets really close to me and looks into my eyes. I get really nervous.

"Remember we have a science PowerPoint to do" he whispers.

"Yeah... Yea I know" I reply with him still really close to me.

"I make you nervous don't I" he whispers again.

I look away.

"No ... no you don't" I lie half stuttering.

He smirks.

Shit he knows I'm lying.

"BROOKE?" My mom calls again.

I lightly shrug Cody off me and open the door. I walk downstairs with him following behind.

"Well did you kids have fun?" My dad asks.

I nod smiling.

"Yes your daughter is very lovely" Cody says talking the piss.

I glance at him he's already looking at me.

"Alright we better be off thank you for the dinner Kelly" my moms says referring to Cody's mom as we walk out the door.

"Anytime"she replies.

Cody's still staring at me I pretend I don't see and walk off with my parents.

Oooh I hope you enjoyed Chapter 5. I have so many more exciting chapters lined up WHOOOO 💫

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