Chapter 7

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Brooke's POV :

Someone sits beside me I slowly glance at the face to reveal a smirking Cody Herbinko.

"Fuck sake what do you want Cody?" i whispered making sure the librarian wasn't watching.

"We have a science project to do" he smirked.

"Yeah ... that's not due for 2 weeks" I said looking down at my study books.

"Well ... we better get started then" he says closing my book.

"Cody I need to study don't you have somewhere else to be"

"Nope" he says popping the 'P'

I know we have a science project to do together but right now my emotions are fucked up spending more time with Cody could mean I start to like him and that, that would be a complete disaster.

"Look I really need to study" I said Looking back down at my book avoiding eye contact.

"Ooh so is this about what happened last night?" He smirked.

I blushed.

"Nothing happened Cody" I whisper shouted.

"No no you see that's were your wrong. You'll try and deny that you didn't like it when you were lying on my chest or when I came this .... close ... to .... you" he whispers coming close like he did last night.

My heart starting beating extremely fast.

"Whatever you assume I think your wrong okay?" I said.

"Stop lying to yourself , I'll have you begging for me sooner or later" he says touching my chin with his pointer finger.

I glump.

"Go find some slut to fuck k? and stay the hell away from me" I shout whilst getting up and stalking my books.

I left him speechless ... probably because he's never had a girl reject him before when he gets that close to them. I push people away before I get too close I have a fear of getting hurt and rejected and knowing he's a Fuck boy doesn't make it easier I don't let people get too close to me I never have.

I run out of the library and start walking towards the exit of the school.

"BROOKE" he shouts.

I ignore him.

He pulls my arm from behind.

I squirm to try and get away.

"I'm sorry for saying tha...

"CODY DONT" I interrupt "You think you can get any girl and when you do you use them for sex and dump them like a tissue the next day , and I'm not gonna be your next victim so just stop okay?" I shout and run away.

"BROOKE WAIT" I hear him call but I ignore.


Cody's POV :

What the fuck have I done I've ruined every chance I ever had with her. I need to stop this , I need to stop fucking around and get my shit together. She's right all those things she said are true and no one has ever had the gut to say it to my face until now.

I drive home ,I take a shower & then I go to the park with Madison.

When we arrive at the park she runs down to the swings and demands me to push her. I do as I'm told and she laughs as she goes up into the air.

After about an hour of being at the park I ask Madison if she wants to go get ice cream she happily agrees i pick her up and walk to the little shop along the shore.

We stand in line.

"Hi can I get 1 chocolate ice cream & 1 vanilla please" I said to the girl at the till.

"Uh yeah sure no problem" she says.

"That will be $5"

I hand her the money and she gives me the ice cream. Just as I turn around a bang in to someone.

"Cody?" I look up.

"Kyle fray? Wow I never thought I'd see that face again"I respond.

{Kyle was my best friend since I was 4 he moved to LA when he turned 13 and i haven't seen him since.}

He laughs.

"I thought you moved to LA" i questioned.

"Yeah I did but i moved back a couple of days ago i missed this place too much"

"It's so great to see you man" i say.

"Yeah yea you too" he replies.

"I start back to Woodbridge next week" he says.

"Ah you're in for a treat miss Johnston's still there and boring as ever" I laugh.

"Shit that boring ass motherfuckers still there" he groans.

I laugh.

"Well I gotta get Madison home but good too see you bro" I say.

"You too man you too" he replies and we bro hug.

I walk home smiling with Madison in my arms because I got my best friend back.

Aw some shit went done with Brooke and Cody so what happens when Kyle joins Woodbridge again? Thank you for reading chapter 7.

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