Viv and Beth

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Days numero dos, and it's no better 😔 

Beths POV

I can't believe my ears. I knew things were bad, but I didn't know this badly. I think the worst thing is I understand why she's leaving.

Jonas has treated not just her but us ACL girls horribly. He keeps trying to rush us back to the pitch, I mean, Leah started her first with 30 minutes, which is way too much for a first game in nearly a year.

Then Vivianne, she's trying her best, but being rushed back has done more harm than good, I mean, she has had to get another surgery for her leg purely because she was rushed back.

Once she finally begins feeling like herself, after a long, long time where she couldn't find herself doing amazing in football, of course we all was happy for her, but she was pushing herself to prove herself to Jonas. Then, at the Everton game, I wasn't looking, but something got heated.

Vivianne was told to go sit back down and she wasn't happy about it, she hasn't told me what happen but it must have been a lot for her to snap at Jonas in the middle of the game, especially since Viv is normally a cool, calm and collected person.

I have no idea where Viv is going currently. Of course, theres rumours, but Viv has been quiet on it. Either way, she knows where she's going and won't tell anymore, OR she doesn't know where she's going yet.

Either way, Viv is gone, and I'm sure Gio is leaving this year, too. At the end of the day, Gio has been happier, and I can only hope that Viv finds that happiness too.

I know I should want to be near Vivianne right up until she leaves, but I can't. Then it will be real, so I'm on the opposite side of the training ground to her, watching the pond and hoping that I will wake up from a dream.

I heard the sound of boots walking towards me, not too light, not too heavy. Leah.

"Hey Bethy, how are you?" The pineapple asked.

"She's leaving Le." My voice cracked,"she's leaving us, theres no way shed play for Tottenham or Chelsea so I can only hope a team close to us thats not either of them, if not its probably going to be Manchester and thats so far away Le, that's so far away." I finished, my voice breaking more and more as I talked.

Leah didn't respond. She didn't have to. Instead, she pulled me into her arms, the taller girl rubbing my back as I sobbed. 

I don't know why I'm sobbing. This is the best thing she can do for herself.

"I didn't mean to upset you." I heard a familiar dutch say from behind me. I slowly turned and looked at her.

"I'll see you later and leave you two to talk." Leah whispered in my ear before walking off.

I took a deep breath looking anywhere but where Vivianne was.

"I didn't mean to upset you, or hurt you or make you angry, I promise." She said, taking a step closer to me.

"Vivianne, it isn't that you upset me. it's the fact you didn't tell me. We're supposed to trust each other, yet for a week, you kept the fact that you're moving to yourself."

"Vivianne?" She repeated with a hurt look upon her face.

"Vivi, please..." I trailed off, I don't know what I can say. All I know is that my voice is failing me, and it isn't fun.

Instead of us wasting anymore words on each other the tall dutch pulled me into a hug where I dug my head into her chest, the tears already making their way down my face, the sobs already racking my body.

Slowly, Vivi lowered us down to the ground, whispering sweet words in my ear such as 'it will be okay' or 'I love you.'' One hand holding my legs the other rubbing against my back in a soothing pattern. 

"I'll make sure to talk to you all the time, I promise you. I'll always make time for you and Myle, and if you ever need me, I'm a phone call away. I'll travel here if I'm far away on weekends to spend time with you and Myle. We're making this work, Beth."

"You promise?" I asked, hating how childish my voice sounded. 

"I promise..."

We stayed in silence for a few minutes, enjoying each others company.

That was until Viv broke it, "Do you understand why I need to leave? I know you're sad but know it's best for me, but do you understand why it's best for me." Viv asked.

"Yeah, I know you love arsenal more than anything but Jonas rushed you back to early, no offence but you wasn't ready for longer matches, then when it got better you leg was injured again and then he rushed you back again. Then he said something to you after you got annoyed for being told you're not getting subbed on after warming up for ten minutes. Now, he's refusing to let you sign a contract extension."

"You really remember everything in that brain, huh?" Vivi said, letting out a little laugh, kissing my temple.

"Anything to do with you I do." I say a smile, finally making its way onto my face.

Maybe we will be okay. Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought. Maybe we can make this work out.

"I love you, Vivi." I say, snuggling into her chest.

"I love you to Liefde."

"This is what's best for you Vivi, don't feel bad, we're miss you, but we're be okay." I whispered before falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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