Chapter 3: Captured

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There are three things that every monk must be gifted in.

Preservation of Mind

Strength of the Body

Devotion of the Spirit

Master these three and you will know God.

- The Book of Micah

 Gillian stood watch of Sebastian as Lucas and Brandon gathered as many supplies that were still worth having as they could.

 "How in the hell did this place go un pillaged?" Brandon said as he loaded the bed of the truck with old camping equipment, "I didn't even know places like this still existed. What'd you even call this place?"

 "It's called a supermarket. No doubt they built this one to replicate how people use to live before the fall. According to old texts there were supermarkets all over the place. Big, huge, massive buildings filled with cooking appliances, clothes, food, beer, books, movies, medicine. . .This place was protected by the council of Aresdale."

 Gillian shared a glance with Sebastian who quickly looked away.

 "Movies? What's a movie?" Said Lucas as he walked up holding five DVD's in his hands along with some shirts with business logos printed on the fronts.

 "It's what you've got in your hand. They're little disks that project plays onto the side of these little boxes." said Gillian.

 "Fascinating. You think they have one of those boxes?" said Lucas.

 "Probably. But we're not allowed them, anyway." said Gillian.

 Lucas sighed, then shrugged and tossed the disks to the ground. "Zachariah was always a stickler about electronics." He walked over to Sebastian who was sitting up against the truck. "Time to go bud. Bet you can't wait to meet the Head Geish of the temple, huh?" He smiled  devilishly.

 Sebastian tried to summon another bit of energy to cut through the ropes binding his hands together, a searing pain shot through his wrists. The feeling as if he sliced them off caused him to panic and wheel his head around to check. Luckily, both hands were still attatched.

 "Stoked." He said sarcastically as he sighed with relief.

 "Aye, Brandon. He isn't working. Pay up." said Lucas holding out a hand.

 Brandon reluctantly tossed him a silver piece.

 "Had a bet with Brandon about how your mimic powers work." Lucas said as he hoisted Sebastian to his feet with surprising strength, "Brandon seemed to think you could mimic someone's powers at any time, just by being near them. Any of their powers that is. I had a feeling you could only mimic the powers those people currently have."

 "So, what? You all run on batteries or something?" Sebastian said, wheezing at the ghost of the pain.

 Lucas smiled, the hairlessness of his face giving him the features of a white snake. He bent down, pulling out a vile of that same yellow liquid the brute hand downed before conjuring his blades. Lucas shook it in hands as if dangling a steak in front of a hungry tiger.

 "Essence of Lilligrass. You may have some blunt fight in you but you can't mimic knowledge. See being a follower of Micah is a bit different then following some of the lesser gods. Conjuring the weapons as we do can be pretty hard on a mortal body if you don't take measures to protect yourself. This is that protection.

 "Granted it's still up to Micah whether he grants you his gifts. And even still it depends on your skill and toughness on how well you can use it. But there isn't a soul out there that can withstand that level of energy without Essence of Lilligrass coursing through your veins. A swig of this stuff and you can conjure two ton Warhammers, if you were good enough to do so, without taking more than a couple burn marks on your skin. 

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