chapter 29

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I just wrote my final exam from English (by the way, I will get more percentage in it than in my native language) and I described my meeting with STEFANIA SPAMPINATO (of course I made it all up ) LET THE GIRL IN HER DREAM LAND. I wrote that I received a ring from her with something written in Italian (of course, go shine your light Bella).

and because of all this, I came up with one idea because I couldn't help but laugh when I read it

Maybe you're not interested in this, but I had to share it with you.

and now Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions in this chapter

enjoy reading


Three days later, Carina got up with Maya. Even though they had the rest of the week off, their biological clock had already gotten used to getting up at 7 a.m. Their mornings together had become a routine that brought them joy even on days off.

When they both went downstairs, Ravi was already sitting at the table, and as soon as he saw them, he quickly stood up.

"I'm sorry I was sitting here, but I wanted to let Erica sleep alone," the boy immediately started apologizing. His nervousness was visible, as if he was afraid he had done something wrong.

"You have nothing to apologize for Bello, you can feel at home here," Carina smiled at the boy, who already had his head down. She knew how difficult it could be to feel lonely and alien in a new place.

"Would you like to eat something?" Carina asked, leading them to the kitchen. "I don't know," the boy replied honestly, his voice sounding uncertain. It was evident that he wasn't sure how to behave in this new situation.

"Oh, Carina, please, your French toast!" Maya said in a pleading voice, expressing her desire with emotion. Her appetite was both an expression of gratitude and joy of being in such a friendly environment.

"It's getting ready, Bella," Carina smiled to herself, feeling proud of how much her French toast was loved at home. She was happy that she could bring joy to others through her culinary skills.

At the same time, while Carina was preparing breakfast, Maya sat down next to the boy, who was absentmindedly playing with his necklace. She noticed the way he fidgeted with it, as if seeking comfort or distraction.

"Why did you get up so early?" Maya asked gently, her voice filled with curiosity and empathy. She wanted to understand the boy's habits and routines, hoping to offer him some comfort.

"My dad always took me running at this time. I guess I'm used to getting up at this time," he replied, his voice tinged with nostalgia and a hint of sadness. Maya felt a pang of sympathy for him, imagining the memories that must be flooding back to him.

Maya's heart ached for the boy as she listened to his words. She couldn't help but recall her own childhood memories, both pleasant and painful. She still remembered the mornings when her father would wake her up, sometimes with a gentle touch, but other times with a bucket of cold water, trying to instill discipline and toughness in her.

Despite the differences in their experiences, Maya felt a kinship with the boy. She knew what it was like to carry the weight of past experiences, to feel the tug of nostalgia and longing for simpler times. And in that moment, sitting beside him, she silently vowed to be a source of support and understanding for him, just as others had been for her.

Carina and Maya twinsWhere stories live. Discover now