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Sebastian's POV
It was still dark when Sebastian woke up. He sat up slowly and patted around for his phone. He found it and checked the time. 4:30 am. When had he fallen asleep? He hoped Y/N wasn't worried about him. He had a message from Y/N saying she hopes he feels better. For some reason, she was sitting in Emily's house. She sent him another snap around 9pm of her in bed, saying she's going to bed and she'll text me in the morning. She looked tired but not stressed, so that was good. Sebastian lifted his covers and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, and looked at his bedside table. There was a glass of water and a note. The glass of water was on top of a napkin and still had some condensation on it. Sebastian picked it up, and it was still cold. There had probably been ice in it not too long ago. It was really nice after sleeping for so long. He picked up the note and read it.
"I figured you'd be thirsty after sleeping so long, so I brought you a glass of water. You're probably pretty hungry, too, so I made you a couple of sashimi. They're in the fridge upstairs. I hope you're feeling better when you read this. xoxo - Y/N"
Sebastian stared at the note and read it a few more times. Sebastian had never had anyone do something so thoughtful for him. He was touched. He finished his glass of water stretched and headed upstairs. After using the bathroom, he went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Inside, there were a couple of sashimi as promised and another note. He grabbed the plate and took the sticky note off of the saran wrap over the sashimi. This handwriting was much more familiar.

"She's a keeper, Seb. You'll never hear the end of it if you fumble this one 😉. Love Mom "

Sebastian closed the fridge and set the plate on the dining table. He sat down and took off the saran wrap. He took a bite, and it was objectively delicious. Fresh and slightly sweet, but Y/N could have made slop, and it would have tasted good to Sebastian. The fact that she even knew he liked this made him feel seen and understood. She hadn't woken him up. She hadn't texted him about it either. She just did it for him because she could and, for some reason, thought he deserved it for falling on his face. He decided to send a snap to her.

He took a picture of his plate and said
'Thank you Y/N that was delicious. I'm sorry we didn't get to talk more yesterday. I'm feeling a lot better today, so I'm gonna work on my bike. I hope you're sleeping well."

He put his phone back in his pocket and put his plate in the sink. Sebastian decided he would go back to bed for a while before he got dressed to work on his bike. As he sat down on his bed, he took a moment to read the note that Y/N had left him again. "I hope you're feeling better. xoxo" Sebastian smiled and set the note back on his nightstand before crawling back under the covers.

He woke up to the sound of footsteps marching down his stairs. He sat up and smacked his lips he wished he had thought to set a second glass of water for when he woke up now. The door swung open, and Abby marched in with Sam following casually behind her.

"How am I supposed to help you guys get together if you don't keep me updated?!?" She asked irritably
Sebastian raised his eyebrows and glanced at Sam like "Is she serious?"
Sam nodded gravely.
Sebastian looked at Abigail again, flatly.

"Well, you're not. I think I've got this now, Abby. If I want advice I'll ask. What I would like to know is why you feel the right to pry into this. I've kept you up to date. If you want details, you should ask Y/N. I wouldn't even know how to start."

Abigail drummed her fingers on her forearm. "You have not been keeping me up to date. You've been giving me a play by play at best. I had to hear about your guy's date plans from Hailey!" She accused with some heat.

Sebastian was feeling considerably confused at this point. Why is Abby so mad about this? What could she possibly be expecting from me in this situation? How does Hailey know about the date?

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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