2• The office

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𝐙𝐲𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐍𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐞
I resume eating my cake, thinking of buying a drink from the company vending machine but I have to use Rue to get to it like the last time.

A lot more persons watched and stared as I exited the elevator on the floor where her desk is located.

My cousin keeps working harder so she can one day own an office space, but it seems that everywhere we go there is a fuckry coworker to deal with.

For it accepted to sleep with the manager so it got the job while my cousin stayed humble.

Seeings as I'm drawing all attention to myself, Rue turns towards the reason for the commotion and saw me.

Her eyes widened and her mouth opened with disbelief. Choking on air as she starts coughing.

I took another bite from the cake and stick the fork in as I approached her desk.

"Zay!" She exclaimed, standing and gesture to my dress.

"Seven words. May Madness Monday and I got pranked." I stressed, handing her the familiar lunch bag.

She sniffled her laugher. "Mommy?"

I glared at her but hummed. "Mhmm hmm, the girls and the Nuns were in on it too."

She took the bag and starts laughing at me.

Rolling my eyes, I took the fork and eat another piece of cake.

"And the cake." She added, picking up the bride figure. "Where is the groom?"

"Ask Mother Ann, she baked it for me." I spoke with a full mouth of cake. "Then Aunty says may this moment be a lesson to actually celebrate something. Hoping her prayers will work so I can find a husband, she's delulu."

Rue laughs again, then covers her mouth as she looks around us.

"Way to draw attention to yourself, Zay." She added and I hissed. "You look too good. I wish it was your wedding day though."

I laughed at that.

Throwing my head back and let it out, knowing I'll be out of here for causing disturbance. Then I had an idea. "You can use your computer skills to create a website that will find me a man willing to marry into a family like ours. What more do we want; christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jew, ex pope, atheist, top chopper..."

She laughs and shushes me, turning to her work station to log out.

I use that moment to eat more cake and look around at the persons watching us. All were, but they were trying to look busy when a man stood not too far from us. Looking at them.

I found myself admiring him as he seems like the one who run things around here. But the thought of him being Rue's manager made me disgusted so I looked away just when his eyes casted to mine.

"Shouldn't you be at work?" Rue asked.

"I've been thinking about quiting and accepting aunty's offer. I can't be in a work environment with people who sees bullying as a way of teasing, but they're out here trying to be heroes for victims with the benefit of funds."

"If that's the case, quit. I'll see what I can do about our rent while..."

"Nope, focus on the promotion you've been overworking yourself on so badly. I have a business idea that I think you'll want to hear." I smiled and she nods, picking up her lunch bag.

"You shouldn't be eating so much sweets." She eyed the cake.

I giggled, putting some to her lips. She ate it and shook her head looking upset. "How do you eat that?"

She doesn't fancy sweet stuffs, so she wouldn't know that all my cakes are baked from scratch and isn't as sweet as the store bought ones. If anything, it's fresh with the frosting being the only sweet things in it.

"No mon. Yack."

I laughed as I walked next to her, leaving all the eyes staring at my back.

She didn't stop talking about the cake on the way to their canteen. Asking if I'm okay with eating it, which I am.

I used her money to buy drinks from the vending machine the return to sit next to her.

Almost bumping into the man who was standing looking intimidating upstairs. Now he was down here looking right at me.

"Sorry." I mumbled, though I'm not the one at fault.

"My apologies, Miss."

I hummed, pulling the coca cola can and puts the straw in that I grabbed from Rue's lunch bag.

Leaving him standing there, I returned to see her hogging up the food in a rush.

"Your manager is quite a sample." I muttered, putting my lips around the straw.

"McIntyre isn't here today." She frowned. "Who was it?"

I looked up and saw him speaking with security and my heart starts beating faster at the thought of putting Rue in trouble for being here.

Disrupting her work place.

"Him." I used my lips to gesture in his direction.

She glances there for a second and her eyes widened, bigger than when she saw me come in.

"That's Mister Ralph. The Coo."

The drink flew up my nostrils and I held my mouth, coughing violently. Then this was another disruption because I feel like I was dying while she slaps me on the back.

When she starts laughing, I did too.

Like two idiots.

"Gyal, if anything happens. A life enuh." She remarks.

"No no. I'm not coming back here." I coughed out. "Suppose they fire you. Who will treat my illness?"

She covers her mouth and laughs for the better.

"Your monthly madness is caused by the lack of sex." She blurted and loudly.

I could only move the cake and rest my head on the table. Coughing with embarrassment.

"I'm surrounded by crazy people." I groaned as the coughing ceased.

"I still have twenty minutes to go. So what's the business plan?" She asked, so I lift my head but keep my eyes down so I don't make eye contact with anyone who heard what she said about my personal life.

"I'm thinking about opening a chocolate business. An with your knowledge, I'll need some help so later I'll show you the things I put together." I mumbled, pushing the coca cola aside. "You don't happen to have any clothes with you here that I can borrow?"

"No." She shook her head and smirk. "I'll rather spend my life savings buying you a ring to show them something, but I can't buy a husband to make it be permanent."

I wanted to hiss, but I laughed instead.

Leave it up to family to embarrass you every second without caring. She's lucky I love her, but she's aunty's daughter after all.

"In a few minutes, can you send me copy of the resignation letter I begged you to write. I might leave professionally so it looks like I have something better going on." I voiced my thoughts.

"How will your boss take it though?" She laughs.

"With?" I rolled my eyes.

"Remember, you told him you don't mix business with pleasure. Now you're leaving, I'm sure he'll hope you change your mind on giving him a change."

"Ew. No." I made a disgusted gesture as if I wanted to throw up.

She laughs, with a single tear falling from her eye.

"He just wants the punani. You wouldn't know how he boast about his body count and all the girls he messes with at work. He's lucky the big boss doesn't hear about it yet." I hissed. "He has a list written in a book, Rue."

"Wow. Ew." She mumbled and I nod.

"Yes, ew."

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