Chapter 62 - The Knave's Request

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in honor of arlecchino's banner dropping two weeks ago (today as i'm writing this), why not throw fontaine arc in since we know more about her now? :D


you turned around at the sound of columbina's voice, seeing her with arlecchino who was being dragged by the elbow approaching. her sweet voice was... unnerving, but it admittedly grew on you quite a bit.

"... how may i help you," you asked, keeping your voice even. 

"arlecchino had something she wanted to ask you~! would you care to listen?"

arlecchino looked bored, yet her gaze was sharp and alert. she looked at you analytically, her black red-x eyes narrowed in what looked to be a glare.

"... of course," you said, maintaining your indifference.

"you're aware that i am the director of the house of the hearth, right?"

"that's one of the first things i learned, yes."

"i would like for you to help me manage it. you see, fontaine is quite... unstable as of now. considering your experience in the abyss, i'd like for you to help me."

"... the abyss, huh? are they causing trouble again," you asked, wanting to know the real reason for her request. 

"they have a potential to get involved," she mused. "however, the main reason i'd like for you to accompany me is to investigate the prophecy. are you familiar with it?"

"... the one where fontaine will flood... and the hydro archon will be left behind, correct?"

"that's an accurate summary. i would like to investigate the prophecy and somehow prevent it. and... i'd like for us to retrieve the gnosis."

"did the tsaritsa put you up to asking me," you asked. 

"she asked for me to take someone along," arlecchino replied, glancing at columbina who was still latched on her arm.

"and you still didn't ask me," columbina says, her voice dripping with diabetes as she acted somber. "i'm quite sad..."

"oh hush, you have your duties to attend to," arlecchino scolded her in a motherly way.

maybe it's a side-effect of being involved in running an orphanage of up-and-coming fatui agents.

"well i can always set aside some time to visit you," she replied angelically, batting her lashes under her veil.

arlecchino shook her head and turned back to you. "are you up for the task?"

"... i accept."

"perfect," she replied, her voice still harsh and cold despite her gratitude. "i have no care for how you get there, but be in fontaine within 4 days."

columbina and arlecchino walked off, leaving you standing there watching them leave.


yet another place you've never been. from what you've seen, it's beautiful. the waters were crystal clear, and the weather was usually extremely nice except for when it rained. even when it rained, it didn't last for weeks on end.

there was a legend you heard of, that when the hydro dragon would cry, it would rain.

what a sad tale.

you felt a hand on your shoulder which jerked you out of your thoughts. 

"brighella," said a familiar malicious voice, almost attempting to be soft.

"dottore," you replied diplomatically, trying to swallow the bile that was building in your throat as you turned to face him. "how may i help you?"

"oh come now, do you always assume i need favors from you," he mock frowned with a soft scoff. "i can't simply talk to someone when i please?"

"with all due respect, you only need me if you need a favor," you replied, a slight edge of suspicion in your voice. "enlighten me as to what you want. i've already given you the leylines."

"do me a favor and make sure to try these," dottore replied, handing you a small vial of small pills. "one daily."

"... and what exactly are these," you replied, looking at the small pills. "i don't feel comfortable taking these without knowing what they are."

"they're from jester. i hardly know what the old man does," dottore scoffed before turning on his heels and walking off. "i'd suggest asking him if you manage to track him down."

you sighed out of frustration, deciding to stuff them in your pocket and ask jester when you'd see him later.

a part of you became restless. tartaglia needed to take a much-needed break from overworking himself. during your mission in the abyss, his vision kept... malfunctioning is the best way to describe it. he had to utilize his delusion more often than not, which took a toll on his body. he decided to take a short vacation, not explaining where and that he was going to roam around teyvat until he felt better.

maybe it was for the best. you felt like you became dependant on his presence.

so you decided to take a trip to someone else who could understand your pain who you could talk to openly.

"so he just handed you these pills? pfft... does he think you're stupid? jester would give these to you himself," the ex-balladeer scoffed, looking at the pills in the vial with a sneer.

"that's what i thought too," you muttered, taking a sip of sunsettia juice. "it's really weird."

"just be wary," he advised and handed you the pills. "and do yourself a favor and throw those away when you get the chance."

"i was planning on it."

"stick to it. and be cautious when dealing with arlecchino. she has a dark side that's not visible from the naked eye."

"i've worked with both of you," you replied. "i know."

"if you want your little secret to stay a secret... i would not entertain her outside of professional matters. just do whatever is necessary and take some time to yourself."

"oh please, it's not like she's going to rip me to shreds when i'm asleep. everyone knows i'm strong enough to replace signora on the first go," you replied.

"you're not Y/N to them anymore," scaramouche reminded you. "it's not like you have her majesty's protection. unless you want to keep your identity in the open."


"so... you leave in 3 days for fontaine, right?"


"to collect the gnosis, right?"

"you should have assumed that from the beginning."

scaramouche chuckled, the sound sarcastic. "i forgot you can actually bite back. you never fail to amuse me, Y/N."

"if you were still in your old harbinger position, i wouldn't dare."

"so you never talked back to me because i was your senior in rank?" he laughed.

"naturally. you wanted to be an ordinary person, right? a wanderer you said. so i'll treat you as such."

he rolled his eyes. "just don't do something stupid and get yourself killed."

you opened your mouth before he cut you off.

"and don't let that stupid ginger do something stupid either if he shows up. i have a good feeling he'll be in fontaine."

"how so?"

"it's the land of hydro, and he has a hydro vision. put two and two together, dumbass," he snorted. "i wouldn't be surprised. plus... i'm sure you know of his connection to the primordial sea, right?"

you nodded.

"it's underneath fontaine. of course he'll be there."

"i'll take your word for it."

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