The First Display

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Blowing the sheet metal wall clean in, smoke bellowed into the building, kicking up a dust cloud and sending shrapnel all over the area. The building itself shook, dust falling from the ceiling. Reverberations made their way inward, shaking everything. The hung lights swung and flickered, and one fell down, shattering upon landing.

Waiting for the smoke to clear, Aizawa and Inventor inspected the opening, finding nothing behind the wall. Nothing important had been damaged either, a few pieces of plexiglass squaring off the inside seemed to have been cracked, but beyond that and a broken light, everything seemed to return to working order in no time.

The internals of the building were something to be marveled at. Dozens of interlocking rooms were only separated by walls of plexiglass and some pillars. Server upon server sat against the wall, holding untold amounts of data and evidence. Spanning half the floor, at least 5 meters up, the second floor stood, seemingly held up by the plexiglass walls, and a singular pillar.

Rushing in, heroes were quick to set a perimeter inside and out. Nezu took charge quickly, Aizawa and Inventor making sure the perimeter outside is set in case some observers gather.

Seeing the faraday cage shutting down, Izuku wasted no time jumping into the servers, setting up a remote connection before beginning to transfer data. His clone returned as well, dragging a protesting file, listing it as a self-destruct order. Giving it a smile, Izuku continued to pipe the files into the private server. Taking a second to admire the interior of the building, before returning to his duties. A map was uploaded simply to Nezu's personal device. 

Setting down another pole and unwrapping more take, Aizawa sent a tired "I told you so" look at Inventor, both displeased at the loud approach to what should've been a quiet mission, and a little relieved for not having to deal with more enemies. Inventor returned the glare with a pointed look.

"I'm telling you, it was a safer bet to go loud. Even if there weren't any living beings there, it doesn't mean you couldn't have tripped some sensor. Just cause you like going stealth, doesn't mean you should risk jeopardizing a whole mission over it." Taping another corner, Inventor pulled a bit hard, the suit assisting his pull, snapping the tape.

Feeling a growing tick in his brain, Aizawa just sighed before getting up. "If you have the energy to argue, you have the energy to set a perimeter. Do it yourself, I'm going to watch over the operation." Placing the tape on Inventors grumbling head, Aizawa soon grabbed his stuff, returning to the post to watch over the operation. 

Clearing the first floor was easy work, most rooms being fully transparent so after many checks, the heroes moved up a floor to the overhang that spanned half the building. 

Following the map of the maze-like doors, the heroes were careful not to shatter more glass than nessicary, lest the floor above them cave in. Some doors were too small for some of the bigger heroes to make their way in, forcing them to return to the main hallway or go out to aid maintaining the perimeter. Making their way through, the second floor soon became accessible, showing another array of servers that Izuku had already gotten to. 

Lab equipment seemed to be strewn across the ground haphazardly, dried liquids stained the floors. Some reconnaissance heroes saved some samples for later analysis, but having cleared the way up, the attention turned to the massive hidden trapdoor that was in the main foyer. The blueprints showed it existed, but nothing about what was below it, or even if something was below it.

Walking down, making sure to take care around the more delicate areas, the group of heroes soon arrived at the main hallway, only to find their bigger coworkers almost breaking their backs, trying to force it to open. Currently, a mutation type hero, with strong arms and clawed hands, was able to get their hand under the trapdoor, but even with the combined strength of them all, the trapdoor didn't budge.

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