Chapter 9: Secret Distance Part 2: Final Destination

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-Empty SEKAI-

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-Empty SEKAI-

Rin: Um, MEIKO...?

Rin: Why did you say those things the way you did?

MEIKO: The way I did...?

Rin: You said, Please, act as if I'm not even here.

Miku: Yes. If you'd like to learn more about everyone else, I think you should actually talk to them...

MEIKO: I see. I suppose that is an option...

MEIKO: But there are also things you become blind to by getting too close...

MEIKO: That's why I'd like to maintain my distance and observe them for now.

Rin: Huh...?

MEIKO: Those four can freely enter and exit this SEKAI as well, even though it's made entirely out of Mafuyu's thoughts and feelings.

MEIKO: Those four must mean just that much to her. She can't be without them.

MEIKO: But those four each also have something on their minds, and I'd like to know what that could be.

MEIKO: Especially... Mizuki and Y/N... I sense great weights there...

-Abandoned School-

Mizuki: Our last stop for the day is here♪

Mizuki: Kanade! We're not going home until you have a solid idea for a song, okay?!

Kanade: Oh, um... I'll try...

Ena: This used to be a school...?

Mizuki: Yup. Apparently, the ghost of a dead student still haunts the music room.

Mizuki: They say that she was so good, she competed in national competitions...

Mizuki: Everyone had such high hopes for her, but one day, she just buckled under the pressure and ended up dying.

Mizuki: Originally, this school was supposed to be demolished, but people ended up getting hurt when they intruded, so that idea got scrapped...!

Ena: Again, you tell us these things at the worst times...

Mizuki: Aww, come on! We're on a haunted mystery tour, right? It's all in good fun...!

Mafuyu: All those expectations...

Mizuki: Oh...

Mafuyu: Maybe this is what was best for her.

Mafuyu: She's alone and finally free now.

Ena: Huh? Why do you say that?

Mafuyu: Because it's so much easier that way...

Y/N: Mafuyu...

Ena: That hardly feels like something you should say while we're on a trip like this... Hey, wait...!

Kanade: She's heading for the school...

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