Part 3

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It has been over a month since Arya went to London and had an almost perfect day with a stranger she met. She can still remember everything about that day, the places, the food, the conversation. She wanted him to ask Arya her number badly, so they could stay in touch. Something about that man was attractive and it's not just the way he looks. While he was showing her around she saw him actually chuckle and laugh, it was a sight to behold. For weeks Arya thought about that day. But as time went by she realised she'll never see him again and concentrated on her work.

She was in her agency’s work place looking at some articles about their client. She had to stop her work because one of her co-workers told her someone was here to see her. Her family doesn't live in Singapore, she has very few friends who have their own work to do during this time. She wondered who it might be.

Her brows came together when she saw who it was waiting for her in the lobby.

“Grayson?” She was extremely confused. How is he here? And why? “What are you doing here?”

“It’s nice seeing you again as well, Arya” He says with a calm smile.

“Well yeah. Answer my question” She asked, he can tell that she's freaking out by the look on her face.

“A friend of mine needs a good PR team. And I thought about your agency” He said with his hands in his pocket.

“Okay. How did you know where I worked?” She asked.

“I looked it up, you mentioned your agency’s name that day” He replied casually.

“I did, didn't I?” She let out a chuckle. They talked too much that day, she probably told him the name. “Anyway, follow me. I'll take you to my boss” She told him and started walking inside.


Grayson talked to Arya’s manager for about an hour. Too long to be honest, she wondered what he could be talking that long. Finally he came out and walked to her.

“Well?” She asked.

“Your boss agreed to appoint a team for my friend.” He said.

“That's good. Hopefully I'll get a rise since I’m the reason the agency got a new client” She smiled.

“Maybe, maybe not. Anyways, when will you get off work?” He asked her.

“I can leave in like half an hour?” She checks the time.

“Alright, I'm going to be in Singapore for a while, for business reasons. I thought maybe we could spend time together. I really enjoyed our time in London” He told her

That made her smile which made his heart flutter “I’d love to”

After she got off work, she went to the lobby to find Grayson waiting for her. Once he saw her come out he immediately got up from his seat.

“Where do you think we should go?” He asked her.

“Oh I know! I know a perfect place, just follow me” She said out of excitement and grabbed his hands leading him opposite to the parking lot. Grayson didn't mind where she was taking him, as long as he gets to spend time with her.

They both were walking on the pavement when she realised “Wait, you came by your car?” She asked as she stopped walking.


“And your car is still in the parking lot?”

“You'd be right”

“Why didn't you stop me from dragging you! Now you have to go all the way back to get your car.” She said.

He just shrugged. “It's fine, I'll have someone pick it up for me”

“Rich people,” She mumbled.

He just chuckled in response.

Once they reached the metro station she started walking fast.

“We have to hurry, come on.” She said.

“Why?” He asked, keeping up with her.

“Have you travelled in a metro before?” She asked.


“Figured. If we don't stand right in front of the train door we might not get a seat! And we'll have to stand!” She told him as he chuckled.

“What's so wrong about standing?” He asked.

“What is good about it?” She asked and they stood right in front of where the train door would be. They both got in and saw that the seats were full.


“It's fine,” Grayson said.

Grayson heard her talk about this place she is taking him, and how pretty it looks. Like before she used her hands to talk and did not hold onto the road for support, when the train stopped suddenly she lost her balance and held onto Grayson's arm.

“Sorry about that” She chuckled and grabbed the road.


They finally arrive at the small restaurant which was painted in baby blue and yellow. As they walked in he noticed that even the chairs and tables were in blue and yellow. The place wasn't big, but it had so many photographs and paintings hung on the wall. She chose a table and sat down, Grayson sat opposite to her.

“I swear they serve the best pasta here” She tf him with such confidence.

“We’ll see”

“Do you not believe me, Grayson?” She let out a fake offensive gasp.

“Of course not” He chuckled. They both ordered their food and talked more.

“So you have four half brothers and two half sisters. Same mother with brothers and different fathers each, and your hand twin sisters same father different mother, did I make any mistake?” She asked.

Grayson chuckled. “You're right” His family is complicated. He quickly changed the subject because he doesn't like talking about his family, it'll involve talking about things that he isn't proud of. All he wants to do is have a good dinner with a pretty girl. And that is what he is doing.

They had a small argument when it came to paying the bill. Grayson wanted to pay for both but she didn't let him.

“You just can't pay my share,” She said.

“Why is that?”

“You just can't”

“I need a reason”

“Because this isn't a date”

“Okay, you pay your share this time.” He sighs and adds “Next time, I'll pay for both of us”

“Nuh uh” She said.

“I said what I said, end of discussion. When can I see you again?” He asked. He is surprised by himself because it has been forever since he took an interest in a girl. And he doesn't act this way, this was desperate. But he doesn't care.

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