12-28-1911 -Jane's POV-

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Bella walks out of the main room, leaving me alone with my book. After she pointed out how silly it seemed for me to be reading a children's book, I felt my face flush red, so I just hid back in the book. It's a book about Valentine's Day, a day that used to make me sick to my stomach thinking about. I always hated that day because every year there were events and parties I had to go to and suitors and boys my father tried to make me fancy. But I never liked talking to the boys. Something about them just never gave me the shine in my eyes or the butterflies in my stomach all the girls giggled about. I hope that one day I'll find a boy I truly like, not just one I'm being kind to as to appease my father or maintain reputation. Now that neither of those things matter to me, maybe that dream will come true... As I daydream, Bella walks back into the room and snaps me out of it. "Jane? Janeeee?" My head snaps up as I realize she's talking to me. "Oh, um- Yes, Bella?" "I thought I should let you know I'll be going on a walk. It seems too nice outside not to." I nod at her. "Mhm, that's true. Well, stay safe, I'll be here reading."
Bella steps outside, leaving me alone in the home. I start reading again, this time trying to say the words as well as comprehend them. "Oggi è San Valentino! Oggi chiederò a Valentina di uscire." The best I can translate it to is 'Today is Valentine's Day! I will be asking Valentina out', but I could be very wrong. I'll ask Bella for help when she gets back. I start thinking to myself, will I ever find someone for me? I try to ignore my thoughts telling me I'll be alone forever. I promised myself that after the fire, I would live life to the fullest, but how can I do that alone? My doubts of myself fade for a moment as I feel a sharp pain and clutch at my stomach.
Right, I haven't eaten today.
...Or yesterday for that matter.
I haven't told Bella, in fact, I've been actively hiding it from her, but I haven't eaten more than a few bites of food for the past few days. I eat a few bites for show in front of Bella and then either give the food to a homeless worker or just pack it back away if I'm able to do so. I feel horrible about eating what might as well be Bellas food. My money pays for rent, and then Bella pays the food. I feel guilty about eating the food of someone working so much harder than me who cares too much about me. I don't know what would hurt more, admitting to myself that I need to eat or the pain in my stomach from starving. I clench my teeth and go back to reading. I used to want to learn Italian because I just wanted to seem educated for the college girls I was around, but it means something different to me now. Now im learning it to better connect with my best friend. My... Only friend...
My stomach gets a punch again, but I don't know if it's from the hunger or from the pain of losing Yetta. I try to focus on reading, but the memories of Yetta linger in my mind. I find myself reading the same sentence over and over while trying to clear my mind. Eventually, I finally get my thoughts in line and hear the door open.

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