12-28-1911 (evening) -Bellas POV-

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Jane opens the door, and I rush inside from the rain. I still don't understand how the weather can change so quickly. The old Bella would have frolicked in the rain, spinning and laughing in the fields. But that was before the fire. Before Yetta, before Jane, before factories and America...
I quickly sit down on one of the chairs around the main room table. I never realized how hard and uncomfortable they were until I had to sit in one while shivering, cold, and wet. I stare at the empty chair. Yetta would normally be sitting in it and writing something about a union or something about a strike. I always loved her passion for her ideas. As I think about Yetta, I get snapped out of it as I feel a cold, but still slightly warmer than I, towel wrap around my shoulders. I take the towel and stand up, starting to dry off. "Grazie, Jane." I nod at her. She pauses for a few seconds, seemingly contemplating what she wants to say in response. "You're.. um... Prego, Bella." I giggle and clap. "Wow, Jane! That's really good!" Her face flushes red. "Um.. T-thank you..." I finish drying off and go hang the towel on a rack in the bathroom to dry. I've never heard her speak Italian before. I never imagined a once so proper American girl speaking Italian! I sit there in awe of her commitment to learning until she sits down at one end of the table with me. "I'm sorry about the rain.." Jane muttered at me. "Oh, no need to apologize. You had no way to know. The weather just changes so fast here... aha.." We sit quietly for a bit, but I don't particularly mind. I enjoy the silence, I'm just happy to be around someone like Jane. I smile to myself without even noticing it. I see Jane staring at the wall, and I realize how selfish that silence could be. What if she wanted to talk? I decide it's best to strike up a conversation. "So, Jane, how's the book you're reading?" Her eyes dart to me, seemingly surprised I talked again. "Oh, it's fine. I'm enjoying it as much as I can." She shrugs at me. "And, oh, well, not to be rude or anything, but why that book? I mean, it's a book for children and you read so well, I've seen you read a novel in a day or two before!" I say that last part with awe. I doubt I could even do that with an Italian novel, let alone a full English one. Jane is so impressive.. "Well..." She starts. "I'm still not very well versed in Italian, so I assumed starting with a beginner book would help me. And I'm barely even able to read it!" I frown. She's clearly trying to brush off her talents for learning and reading by saying that. "It's a bit too late tonight, but after work tomorrow, I could help you. Only if you want my help, of course.." My voice trials off. I don't want to pressure her into help, knowing how independent she is. She pauses for a bit before she keeps talking.

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