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I panted as my trainer pinned me to the floor, "gotta get better at blocking Y/n" my coach said as Isabele,  my trainer, helped me up. "I'm sorry Athena," I said mumbling due to my mouthpiece as removing my boxing gloves and pulled the mouthpiece out of my mouth. "What's going on?" Athena asked as I left the ring, "Just a lot swimming in my head is all" I lied, I was still going back to that party from a week ago. "Why don't you hit the showers, and head home for the day" she patted me on the shoulder as I nodded. I used my towel to wipe away the sweat on my forehead. She walked off as Isabele walked up, "you wanna talk about it?" she asked as I looked at her, I looked around and then pulled her away from everyone so I could tell her. She was like my little sister and my best friend, I told her everything. "Do you remember those westerns we would watch together?" I asked, "Yeah, the ones with Cooper Howard in them, we watched those after every bad breakup you've had," she said as I nodded.

"Okay, so Vault-Tec had a party last week to celebrate the completion of Vault 111," I told her, "okay?" he said, wanting me to continue the story, "well, I saw a child there and helped her find her dad and her dad was Cooper himself," I said as she grew a smile. "That's awesome, you got to meet Cooper Howard," she said as I chuckled, "yeah...we got a little...too friendly," I said giving her a look, "holy crap!" she exclaimed, "Shut up!" I growled, "You slept with him?! He's married!" she said as I rolled my eyes, "he's getting a divorce, they're separated...and it's not like it happened on purpose, we had been drinking, and we were talking about ancient Greece, and one thing led to another..." I explained as I packed up my gym bag.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure" she joked as we left the gym, "it's true, he even gave me the book," I said pulling out the book from a week ago. "And you just...carry it around with you?" she asked as I put it back in my bag. "Why not? It's a book and I like to read" I told her as we passed a hotdog stand, we were standing in line behind a guy and his daughter. "And it has nothing to do with the fact that he gave it to you?" Isabele asked as I chuckled, "No, it has nothing to do with where I got it from." I told her, "So...how was he?" she asked as I noticed the little girl in front of us, "dude, I'd rather not talk about my love life...in front of a child," I said as she saw the girl. 

"Okay, well, are you gonna see him again?" she asked as I shook my head, "no...I kind of wanna though...he's a cool guy and his library is amazing" I told her as she chuckled, "he has a library?" she asked as I nodded, "he's Cooper Howard, he's allowed to have a library in his house" I told her as she laughed. "I'm glad you thought so" the man in front of us spoke as we looked at him, it was Cooper. 'Of course, I'd be behind him whilst talking about him' I mentally spoke as he smiled at Isabele and me. "You're...Y/n right?" he asked as I nodded, "Yes, I helped your little angel here find you at that party last week, you gave me your book on ancient Greece..." I told him as he smiled at me, "Right, we spent hours talking about it" he said as his pupils grew large, I knew that he was thinking about that part of that night. 

"Countless hours from what she tells me" Isabele mumbled as I stomped on her foot causing her to groan. He chuckled, "what are you two havin' I'll pay," he said as I blinked a few times, "I just want a plain hotdog," I said (dunno what you like on your hotdog so you're getting it plain), "basic bi-..." Isabele looked at Janey again, "woman..." she said looking away, "a plain hotdog and what else?" he looked at Isabele, "I would like a hot dog with ketchup, coleslaw, and lots of mustard" She smiled, "you're such a freak" I laughed, "what can I say? I like me some mustard" she spoke as I laughed, "dad, can they have lunch with us?" Janey asked as Cooper smiled at her, "would you like them to?" he asked her as she nodded happily. 

He then looked at Isabele and me, "would you two ladies like to join us for lunch?" he asked as I smiled. "I would be happy to join this lovely princess for lunch" I did a little bow towards Janey and she giggled. 

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