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"Nothing of major importance, but all sadly, require me to not be home," he told me as I groaned and he chuckled, "I know, I'd love to stay here all day provided you were with me the entire time to talk with," he said as I smiled, "just talk?" I raised an eyebrow as he ran his hand up the thigh of my leg wrapped around his waist. "Well what else would we do?" he asked as I smiled, "I'm sure we would find something to keep you entertained", "Oh? Like what?" he asked, "there's movies, TV, music, books..." I started, "psh...those are boring, got anything else?" he asked as I thought for a moment, "You got a pool, we could go swimming," I said as he chuckled and climbed off me. "Tempting," he said as I smiled, remembering our first encounter, "Isn't it," I said as he laughed, "Extremely" he nodded as he walked into his closet, I sat up and stretched. "So, what are you gonna tell Janey when she sees I'm still here?" I asked as he walked out of his closet and he finished buckling his belt. 

He held his shirt in his hand as he sighed, "The truth, you're here because it was late, and you fell asleep on the couch...also gonna inform her that you're now her babysitter" he said as he walked over and pushed me back onto the bed. "You, however, if you'd like, are gonna stay here until I come back...shouldn't take too long for me to take her to school, I've got time before meeting with my lawyer." He told me as I smiled and cocked my head slightly, "again, that's if you wanna" he added as I smiled and got up. I wrapped my arms around him, "if you want me to stay until you come home, I can" I said as he smiled and placed his forehead against mine. "I would very much like it if you stayed, we have some unfinished business" he smirked as I snorted and started laughing.

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