Explaining the Unexplainable

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This is stupid. This is ridiculous. Why would he do this to me? To us?! I guess I'll start this off by introducing myself. As if that'll make this rollercoaster of a story any better.

I'm Elijah Orion Collins. I'm the prince of the kingdom Malum. My father's name is Blaze Collins, or King Collins III. Long story short, he's the worst. He rules Malum as if he's one of those evil tyrants from the movies.

I'll start by saying that this was NOT my idea. It was his. I would never willingly do something so shady.

King Hart, ruler of Venuste, is a sweet old man. He believes that every problem has a solution, and that everything can be solved if you have the heart for it. It's absolute bullshit if you ask me, but hey, the man came this far.

King Hart decided to end the war and rivalry, that has lasted generations, between Malum and Venuste. And his way of doing this was to offer me his son's hand in marriage. Little note, if I had the choice, I would've said no and laughed in his face, but my dear old dad had other plans. Plans that shouldn't have happened.

If things went differently I wouldn't have lost the trust of someone I cared the world for. This isn't the happiest of stories. If we're being honest...the only happy endings are fantasy.

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