Chapter 1: The Start

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It was the day of the meeting. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention, I never met the other prince before this. It was weird. I was forced to dress nice. Forced to be nice.

Me and my father were escorted inside. Upon entering the gigantic castle, it was clear that they had a knack for reading...or at least the prince did. Immediately to my left I saw the biggest library I've ever laid eyes on. It was a real beauty. Books as far as the eye could see. Three stories high; packed with books, bean bags, chairs, and more. It definitely looked more comfortable than our castle's library. More colorful too.

As we continued making our way through the abundance of halls and rooms, we made it to what appeared to be the main dining room. A long, marble table with floral centerpieces and more chairs than necessary was in the middle of the room. Sitting at that table was the King himself, and next to him was a boy. He looked to be around my age. He had brown hair that covered his ears, and round glasses that were probably too big for his face as they slid down his nose. Speaking of noses, he had his nose stuck in a book. Though he quickly looked up when he heard us walk in.

"The king and prince, your highness..." One of the servant ladies announced our arrival then quickly scurried out.

King Hart smiled and stood up from his chair. Something about him made me uneasy. Like his smile was too big; too bright to be one of a stable individual.

"Pleasure to finally be seeing you, Blaze, without the stress of the rivalry on our shoulders." The king shook my father's hand. My old man didn't seem to be as enthusiastic as he was.

"Yes... pleasure." He repeated under his breath. "And who might you be?" He asked, looking at the boy who was still seated.

The brown haired boy glanced up from his book once again, and he made eye contact with me. He had big, hazel eyes hidden behind his glasses.
"Hmm?" He hummed in question before realizing he was being spoken to. "Astro. Astro Hart." He spoke softly, not in a shy way though, in a calm one. As if he wasn't stressed, or even bothered by the fact that he was getting married off.

"Astro?" My father scoffed before he replied with a condescending tone. "Quite an interesting name you got there."

"Better than Blaze. Were you a hellfire of a child? Because that's the only reason I think anyone would name their kid that." Astro spat back, sounding unamused.

"Damn. Kid's got spunk. I like him already." I thought to myself, stifling a laugh. Astro heard it though and looked at me with a slight grin.

"Astro Cove Hart. You do not speak to people like that. I thought you knew better!" King Hart exclaimed, interrupting our moment of eye contact.

Astro rolls his eyes. "Right, sorry. I thought you already knew that the name Blaze wasn't meant for people over 6 years old. Apparently your mom didn't know that either." His lips curved up into a smart-ass smirk, as if daring to be argued with.

King Hart sighed in exasperation, at least I think he did. It might have been because he couldn't laugh otherwise it would be considered rude.

My father looked absolutely baffled that anyone would speak to him like that, especially some teenager.

Astro looked over and shot me a wink. I thought from that point forward we would get along great.

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