A Hurricane Coming Through....

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It was a very peaceful & beautiful day in paradise, just quietness and no trouble. Magnum was laying under the sun, watching Lily play with her toy's. Watching her be happy made him happy as well, after all who wouldn't want to see their child smile? Higgins came out with some lemonade for them two, and tea for himself...

Higgins: Since you two was out here I figure to bring you guy's something to drink.

Magnum: Geez Higgins, that very thoughtful of you...*blushes*

Lily: Thank's p-papa h-higgins!*giggles* P-papa face is red!

Higgins: You don't say dear. Well would you look at that his face is red...*chuckles*

Magnum: N-no it's not!*pouts*

Lily: P-papa! T-this lemonade p-pretty good!*sips it*

Higgins: Would you like some Thomas? It lemonade.

Magnum: I-i suppose I could use some.*gently smiles*

Higgins: Good. I figure it would be better then them cold beer you love so much...

Magnum:*look's away* T-thank you Jonathan...

Higgins: You welcome Thomas... anything for you two...*gently smiles*

Magnum:*sits up* Why don't you come over here and sit with you'r boyfriend?

Higgins:*loo's at him* Is that what you want Magnum?

Magnum: Why don't you come closer and found out~*smirks at him*

Higgins:*scoffs* Really Magnum sometimes I wonder about you...

Lily: *sips her lemonade* P-please p-papa h-higgins? H-he really want you t-to sit with him...

Higgins: Fine. I have to drink my tea anyway...*sigh*

Higgins walked up towards Magnum, and Magnum just smiled at him. Then he pulled Higgins arm towards him and they both felled into the swing. Higgins almost spilled his tea, and he got pretty upset until he saw Magnum smiled then he calmed down. Magnum was just snuggling against Higgins showing him all the affection in the whole, making Higgins laugh a little...

Magnum: My little strange man~*snuggles his face*

Higgins: My big goofball...*gently smiles*

Magnum: Oh how you set me alive everytime I near you...*kisses his face*

Higgins: Someone quiet affectionate today~*chuckles*

Magnum: Well let say I am in a good mood today for you!

Higgins: I love you to Thomas...*kisses him*

Magnum: Mhm...*kisses him back*

Lily jumped onto the swing so she can be close to the both of them, causing them to be shocked by the sudden movement and interrupted their kiss. But Lily just giggled and hugged both of them, making them both hug her back...

Lily: I-i love you p-papa's...*hugs them*

Magnum: Love you to dear! *hugs her back*

Higgins:*gently smiles* Well would you look at that? Someone else is affectionate just like her father...

Lily:*giggles* I-i can't help it! I-i love my f-family!

Magnum: *chuckles* Well two can say the same thing!

Lily:*lays between them both* Y-yeah... f-family..

Magnum:*put's his arms underneath his head* Lemonade good by the way Jonathan!

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