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"No! Let go! Get off of me!" I yelped as I held onto my blankets for dear life as the Zuka club tried to drag me from my bed while Haruhi watched in shock and amusement.

I started to shriek some not-so-fancy words in Mandarin as I was pried from my bed.

"Now, Now, Ru, all in good fun," Benio purred.

"I'd rather die," I deadpanned, only to let out a gasp when I was thrown over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

As we passed my door, I latched onto its frame. Benio was a lot stronger than I thought.

"I'm not going!" I shouted, straining as I tried to hold onto the frame of the door.

"You must! We have so much planned for you!" Hinako chimed.

"No!" I whined as my fingers were pried off and I was carried out side.

"Ru, the sooner you cooperate the sooner we can get this over with," Haruhi sighed.

I grunted and struggled while they tried to shove me into the car.

"Help! Help! I'm being kidnapped!" I screamed, making Benio put her hand over my mouth, muffling said screams.

I was at last, shoved into the car and locked in with Haruhi, while the other three ladies went in a separate limo.

"Don't," Haruhi ordered when I pulled the backseat down, crawling into the trunk.

"We haven't started moving, it's fine," I shot back. 

I found the glow in the dark lever and pulled, popping the trunk. I rolled out and made a run for it.

"Miss! Wait! Come back!" Chizuru called.

I jumped and vaulted myself over the stone wall of our estate and landed on the other side cleanly.

I looked up to see one of the gardeners with a frightened look on their face and my step father with look of surprise.

"I am so sorry," I apologized, bowing deeply.

"Okay," The Gardner said meekly.

I went back inside and took a deep breath.

I was grateful they didn't come in after me. Haruhi had a higher chance of surviving than I did.

I let out a sigh when my phone started ringing.

"Hello, this is Han, Ru," I answered.

"Get your ass back out here now, I'm not being kidnapped by myself!" Haruhi shouted into the phone.

I let out a dejected sigh with a soft whine.

"Fine," I grumbled, hanging up my phone and begrudgingly going back outside.

The driver opened the door for me and I sat down and crossed my arms.

"You owe me big," I huffed at Haruhi, who only rolled her eyes in response.

Once we arrived at the Lobelia Girls' Academy, Haruhi and I were shoved into a dressing room and given uniforms.

"I am not wearing this," I huffed, holding up the white and red dress.

"Suck it up pretty boy," Haruhi shot at me, starting to undress.

"Haruhi! At least let me turn around, Jesus," I exclaimed as I turned and faced the wall. I could practically hear her rolling her eyes.

"This is humiliating," I mumbled after we got dressed.

"You know, you actually look pretty good in a dress," Haruhi commented, giving me a once over.

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