•.Loves the Gaze.•

38 4 23

Loud shouts and screams could be heard from across the field. The boys on the field ran, passing the ball between them.

"And 24 passes the ball to 12!" The announcer screams into the mic, narrating the game as if they were in the NSL. The crowd cheers louder as they watch Yunho (number 24) pass to Taehyun (number 12).

"Oh- oh and there he is! Our team captain running up and catching number 12's attention! Oh! Oh! Number 12 sees him! Oh and number 12 does a pullback V and passes the ball to our captain! And he shoots..."

The crowd stands up watching as Yeonjun shoots the ball towards the net. It feels like time slows down as they watch. A few more seconds, the opposing teams goalie goes for the block...


And the crowd goes wild. Everyone's screaming and jumping and yelling and cheering. They just won the last game of the season.

Soobin and Huening Kai were linking arms as they rushed onto the field, along with a few others who knew some teammates. Kai dragged Soobin with his as they ran to Taehyun. Huening Kai unlinked arms with Soobin before tackling Taehyun in a bear hug.

"Good job Taehyunnie! You helped get that final shot! I feel like a proud mother!" He said while shaking him by the shoulders. Taehyun couldn't help but let out a massive sigh.

"Thanks Hyuka but I think my credits were taken..." he said while looking over to where Yeonjun was, surrounded by his friends and boyfriend. Taehyun shook his head. He smiled back to Huening before looking over to Soobin, a confused expression blooming on his face.

"Oh! This is Soobin! He's in my bio class with me! We're friends now!" Kai exclaimed excitedly. Taehyun couldn't help but be happy that the younger made a new friend, he had a little trouble with that.

Taehyun bowed before smiling brightly, "Hi Soobin."

"Hi Taehyun nice to meet you-"

"Yo! Tae! You coming to the celebration party?" San yelled from across the field, he was with Yeonjun and the other teammates of course.

"Sure? Can I bring these two?" Taehyun yelled back, pointing to Kai and Soobin. San just shrugged.

"Bring whoever, my parents are gone so it doesn't matter!"

"So...you guys wanna go to a party?"


"I've never been to a party before..." Soobin said shyly as the three of them sat in Taehyun's car, driving to San's house.

"Oh don't worry they're nothing crazy." Kai said, sitting in the front passenger seat. Taehyun, who was driving laughed. Kai looked at him confused.

"He's lying. Last year San's backyard got set on fire at one of his parties. The year before that six people broke at least one of their bones. And the year before that-" Taehyun started.

"Shut up Taehyun! You're gonna scare him off." Kai hit Taehyun on the chest.

"Sorry Soobin." Taehyun apologized.



When the three boys pulled up to Sans house the party was already going strong. They all walked in together, Soobin holding onto Kai's arm out of nervousness.

"What do we do?" Soobin yelled, having to so the other two could hear him. Taehyun turned around and looked at him.

"We go get drunk!" Taehyun yelled back. Soobin just let Kai drag him along. Truth be told, Soobin's never gotten drunk, nor ever drank alcohol. But he wouldn't let his new friends know that.


The trio were beyond drunk at this point. The were barely able to stand up on their own. However, they knew they weren't done yet. Taehyun saw Yeonjun waving him over from a dark hallway and he nodded, knowing what was going on. Him being the most sober out of the three, he guided them past the large crowd in the manor and into the dark hallway.

"Are-are you gonna kill us Taehyunnie?" Soobin giggled drunkenly. Taehyun shook his head and chuckled. He was already fond of this guy. He was kind of struggling to get down the dark hallway though because he was so much smaller than the two men he was supporting. It was almost as if someone was reading his thoughts because just as he was about to stumble over because of how much bigger and taller the two guys were, someone took Soobin and held him up.

"Hey. Need help getting to the Red Room?" Beomgyu asked, smiling as brightly as always. Taehyun nodded and thanked him, forcing himself to look away from the older.

Beomgyu felt a little disappointed that he looked away so quickly. He always saw and felt Taehyun's gaze linger on him longer than he was supposed to considering his friend was his boyfriend but Beomgyu loved Taehyun's stares. He felt like a rockstar or someone important when Taehyun set his stupidly adorable boba eyes on him. Beomgyu couldn't help but drop his smile and pout slightly now that Taehyun wasn't looking at him anymore.

"Okay I can take them in. Thanks for your help." Taehyun said trying to signal to give Soobin back now that they were outside of the room he was trying to be in.

"I'm going in too. But do you think they'll be okay to be in the Red Room?"

The Red Room.


Guys stuckinmybrain by Chase Atlantic has been on REPEAT. Like guys I can never get enough of any of their songs it's all too relatable and catchy.

One dream~Kai 🫶🏼


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