~Chapter 2~

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She watched her daughter, Bluepaw release her grip on the tree bark and begin sliding back down to the frosty ground covered with snow. Bluepaw is still learning. I should be there with her. Not up here, where I can't talk to her. Hours ago Moonflower thought that tonight, she should be able to visit Bluepaw in her dreams. But not yet, She reminded herself, Maybe later, a moon perhaps. 

"I know how we can get the prey out of their burrows!

Moonflower was jerked out of her thoughts and instead was looking at Snowpaw. A surge of pride pierced through her, then was replaced by guilt. If only she was here, where her daughters can see her. "By calling to them?" Bluepaw mewed sarcastically. Moonflower looked away, she couldn't bear to think that she could never actually talk to them again. Only till they both die. But that's so faraway! And I don't want either of them to die in a horrible way.

Stonepelt had retired to the elder's den leaving Bluepaw to Sunfall as her new mentor. Moonflower sighed and turned to see her father. Watching your kits?  Moonflower looked back to her daughters. "Yes Rooktail," she admitted, "But how can I stand that any moment can be their downfall?"

"Some times can be hard-"

"But I just wished that I am down there  instead of here!" Moonflower shouted. She winced. Had she been too harsh?

Instead of a disapointed look, Rooktail just chuckled. "You sound just like your daughter, Bluepaw all of a sudden" he purred, "And you know what? Starclan wishes you to take this message to Goosefeather"

"My brother?"

"Your brother" Rooktail repeated, "plus maybe it'll take your mind off things"

Moonflower hesitated. She certainly needed a distraction but no matter what she did, her daughters' safety always came rushing into her mind. "Ok then," she mewed, "So....what's the message?"

"It's about one of your daughters"

Moonflower's heartbeat just got quicker. "W-Who?"

Rooktail turned towards her daughters' still talking. "Bluepaw"

"Is it anything bad?"

"Not really-"

Moonflower interrupted. "What is it?"

Rooktail took a deep breath and spoke,

 Like fire,

You will blaze though the forest.

But beware,

Even the most powerful flames can be destroyed........

By water

Moonflower stared at her father.This could mean the end for Bluepaw... but when is her final breath? Moonflower noticed that Rooktail was looking at her as if he was waiting for a response. "Ok," she started hesitantly, "I-I-I will send the prophecy-if that is what it is- to Goosefeather"

Rooktail nodded, "That is exactly what I expect Moonflower"

Call of the Stars: A Vision from Starclan Book 1Where stories live. Discover now