Blinding Shades of Green

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I swooped inside. 

A huge dusty hall awaited my presence. A split stairway curled around an engraved wooden door. Cobwebs filled the room and single pieces of furniture speckled the concourse. Worn-out enormous paintings embroidered the high walls. The murky gold frames were etched with regal patterns and floral accents. 

I heard her muffled painful screams. Whatever was hurting her was about to witness my wrath. 

Before I could follow her voice, the great doors behind me slammed shut and sealed. A dim emerald mist filled the hall. I felt watched. She stood in front of me with an eerie pallor. Her virescent eyes glowed with a death glare. I tried shaking her and snapping her out of it but she  wouldn't even look me in the eye. I tried dragging her out but her feet remained cemented on the floor. In the next moment everything around me glitched, and a sharp pain to my temples brought me to the floor. 

I woke up with the worst headache I've ever had, noticing that I was in what appeared to be the basement of the mansion. I shivered as bitter wind hit me, while I stood, unguarded by my cape. The world was disoriented. Everything spun as my eyes watered holding my pain. The fog was even denser and hid my surroundings. I sensed a four limbed creature encircling me. I saw her standing beside me. I tried grabbing her hand. Her low swift movements, paired with her emotionless stare, startled me and she vanished into the thick of the fog. 

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