A Knife Dripping with Red

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Whispers echoed through the thin walls of the area. The air left an unsettling vibe. I sensed movements throughout the room. I wasn't alone. Strange noises were coming from outside. Nails scratching the walls of the building, sawing of wood and rustling leaves brought a sharp pain in my ears. I was sore and tired and wanted to leave, but I had to bring her back with me too. 

I felt a wave of goosebumps when the edge of a knife skimmed down my spine. I turned instantly to see who it was but saw nothing but the bloodied knife laying still as a snake on the floor. Making sure it wasn't my blood, I picked it up and inspected it. It had a Jagdkommando blade with a custom leather grip that had silver embellishments that resembled the ones on the framed pictures upstairs. 


The air behind me rushed with great force. The temperature dropped and I shivered in the cold. My headache got worse and my ears started ringing. The knife in my hand felt like frostbite. The green fog settled and thinned out where I stood. A murder scene was painted with blood  around me. Footprints, splatters, and thick strokes of red hues dragged all along the marble floor. As the air thinned, the walls displayed the same splotches and were bathed in carmine. It was like puzzle pieces that ended at my feet.

My friend's corpse slid into view, and the only one holding the knife was me.

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