21- "I'm going beyond the mountains."

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I cannot go to school today"
Said little Peggy Ann McKay.
"I have the measles and the mumps,
A gash, a rash and purple bumps." ~ Shel Silverstein



"Hazel!" Lady Katrin Lechner snarled from the kitchen.

Boro shot Hazel a wide-eyed glance. "Oh no, what have you done this time?"

She chuckled impishly. "I haven't done anything, Boro."

Boro, Hazel's best friend, didn't trust a word she said. He knew she had a knack for getting herself into trouble and pulling him along with her.

"Get in here immediately!" Lady Katrin yelled once more, her voice taking on a shrill quality.

"Why's Mother yelling, then?" Boro tilted his head.

"How should I know?" she grinned.

They were crouched behind a lush hydrangea bush, their clothes streaked with sand and mud, and their faces turned towards each other. Boro gazed at Hazel with wary eyes, while a sly smile curled her mouth as if she didn't have a care in the world.

The garden in front of the castle was a picturesque haven, with vibrant blooms bursting from every corner and neatly trimmed hedges lining the pathways.

The fragrance of flowers filled the air, mingling with the sweet scent of freshly cut grass. The sun cast dappled shadows through the towering trees, creating a serene ambiance perfect for leisurely strolls or secret hideaways. And Hazel was fond of hiding behind the bushes, imagining herself in a world beyond the borders of Dragonite.

"I know it was you, young lady. Are you coming inside, or do I need to come and fetch you?" Her mother's frustration was palpable this time.

Hazel rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.

"Fine, let's go, Bori."

She hoisted herself up, brushing off her red dress adorned with white polka dots, and headed towards the quaint cottage she called home.

Boro sighed and trailed behind her, his footsteps dragging. Despite being two years older than Hazel, he struggled to rein in this fiery 12 years old dynamo.

Hazel paused, casting a glance behind her shoulder at the gigantic building towering over her.

The castle housing the Royal Family of Dragonite loomed majestically over the garden. Its weathered stone walls bore witness to centuries of history. The brown and black turrets reached towards the sky, their spires piercing the clouds, while ivy climbed the ancient facade, adding a touch of natural beauty to the imposing structure.

The flag of Dragonite fluttered proudly atop the tallest turret, its vibrant hues of deep crimson and royal gold catching the sunlight with a regal gleam. Embroidered in shimmering threads with an intricate dragon motif, its wings spread wide in flight, the flag billowed in the breeze like an emblem of power and sovereignty.

Despite its grandeur, there was a sense of warmth and homeliness emanating from the castle, inviting all who entered to feel like part of its past.

Countless guards stood at different entrance points across the grounds, wearing striking red and black uniforms and holding gleaming silver swords. Their vigilant eyes darted about, casting glances at every passerby with a mix of suspicion and authority.

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