2. A New Gaurdian

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Ki Seok's POV

Gang Tae, my manager, was taken inside the operation theatre. His broken shoulder needed to be operated upon. I was sitting outside the operation theatre, sobbing with my face hidden in my palms, and blaming myself for what had happened to him. I didn't realize when my agency's CEO, Bae Joong In arrived. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Seeing him, I got up and hugged him tightly, crying my heart out.

He pulled away from me after a while, and gave a reassuring smile. "It is not your fault, Gang Tae has done what was needed to be done."

I nodded, sniffing away my tears. I sat back on the chair. Leaving me there to compose myself, he started pacing in the corridor. After a while, he removed his mobile from his pocket and dialed someone. It was just a couple hours past midnight; I wondered whom he was calling at that hour. He engaged in a lengthy conversation with the person on the other end. After finishing his call, he beckoned me to the other end of the corridor. I guess he did not wish to speak in front of the officer who had accompanied me to the hospital. I reached the other end, and peeked out of the window which overlooked the hospital compound. There were a few people around, but mostly the staff.

Joong In assured me, "Don't worry about what happened today. This news will not go out. I have arranged a new manager for you, someone who would be able to protect you much better. Just go home for now."

Being reluctant, but more scared for my life, I shook my head. "I don't think I can go home tonight. I am too scared to go by myself. I can't even protect myself. I might as well stay here."

Sensing my fear, Joong In contemplated for a while. "Then, would you like to check into a hotel? I don't think it is a good idea to stay here. You need to rest; you have a shoot tomorrow. Let my driver drop you off at a hotel. He will bring fresh clothes for you tomorrow morning."

Still worrying about Gang Tae, and not actually wanting to leave, I finally left in Joong In's car. His driver waited outside till I had checked into the hotel nearby. Sleep eluded me- I twisted and turned in the bed. I finally fell asleep, but I don't remember when.

I woke up at eight, with a slight headache, when I heard a knock at the door. My sleep deprived body did not want to move. I got up to check- it was Joong In's driver who had brought new clothes for me. I showered and changed into the new clothes. I looked in the mirror only to see my dark circles visible. Thankfully the driver had brought a pair of shades and a mask to cover my face. He has been around for too long to make the grave mistake of not bringing these essentials. I was driven to the office in Joong In's car. The driver told me that Joong In would drive himself to the office that day.

After spending what seemed like eternity in the car, I arrive at Star agency's office. It is almost ten o'clock when we reach the office, I take the elevator to the floor on which Joong In's office is and greet everyone, trying to force a smile. I can clearly see that everyone knows what has happened the previous night. Everyone greets me trying to look cheerful but their expressions show otherwise.

"I am sorry to make you worry about me.", I tell them. I am not sorry. I am scared for my life. They can sympathize, but not feel my fear.

Through the glass door, I can see Joong In is in his office, engaged in a conversation with two people. One of them looks in his early fifties, dressed in a police uniform. There is a younger person whose face I cannot see properly from where I am standing right now.

I decide to wait till Joong In finishes his meeting. I assume that the younger guy must have come to become an actor and is using his connection with the cop to fulfil his desire. I have an instant dislike for him. I hate people who use connections to establish themselves in the society.

Just then Joong In's secretary comes to me, "Why don't you go in? He is waiting for you."

"But there are people inside.", I argue. She nods affirmatively.

As I walk towards Joong In's office, I can partially see the face of a young man in the office who is turned towards Joong In. They are having an animated conversation with Joong In, the young man all ears to what is being said.

I open the door, and their conversation stops midway. The young man turns to look at the door, his mouth wide open upon seeing me. It is only now that I see his full face. He has the looks of an actor. Is he the son of this policeman? Does he want to become an actor through influence? This thought leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Joong In introduces me to the officer, "This is the superintendent of police and my longtime friend Han Kang Jun. He is also a fan of yours."

He then turns to the young man, "This is officer Lee Seo Joon, who will work as your manager and also help us nab the stalker in case he appears again."

Something changes as soon as I hear that he will work as my manager. The sour taste from my mouth is gone and is replaced with something pleasant, something tells me that this could turn out a long time association. Maybe a lifetime of friendship.

Does this guy even know how good looking he is? Has no one ever told him about his good looks? I wonder. I have a strange feeling of satisfaction or is it happiness, there are butterflies in my stomach. I attribute it to my hunger.

I want to keep him by my side. I have not had a friend ever since I remember. Is that why I want him to be my friend? I want to be with someone who is not from the glamour world. Someone with whom I can talk about anything, someone in front of whom I don't have to put up an act, someone I can trust. Not that Gang Tae is not trustworthy- he put his life on line for me, but he has too much respect for me which makes me draw the line. I have been lonely for too long. What is it with my thoughts I wonder. I shake my head to clear it. I check the time; I need to head out for my shoot. I get up from the sofa, his head still bent. I grab his hand and pull him out of the door.

He follows me out, my hand still holding his. I feel his sweaty palm, making me want to laugh at his nervousness. I turn around, he looks like a puppy following his master, not attempting to free his hand from mine. We walk out of the office just like that, holding hands. I wonder what the office staff must think of us. I am sure they would know that it would just be his behavior as someone who has seen an actor for the first time.

We are standing in front of the elevator, each one waiting for the other to press the button. I finally take the initiative. As I stretch my arm and push the button, it brushes against his chest, Seo Joon moves back in one quick movement. He is about to stumble but I pull him up which sort of brings us in a hugging position. Seo Joon pushes me back.

"I was just trying to help," I feel offended.

Seo Joon does not say anything. The elevator door has opened. There is an awkward silence as we enter the elevator and wait for it to take us to the parking lot. He keeps avoiding eye contact, perhaps to avoid any sort of conversation. He is still looking at his feet, tapping them nervously.

The silence becomes unbearable. I finally ask him, "Are you being forced to be my manager? If so I will speak to Bae Joong In. I don't want to trouble anyone."

He finally manages to get a few words out of his mouth, "It's not that, I just feel a little uncomfortable. I can protect you alright, but I am not confident if I can act as your manager."

I observe him for a while. Unwarranted fears. "Don't worry. There will not be much to do. I will keep telling you as and when the situation demands. Just follow instructions. There are not many days of shoot remaining."

I don't know why, but I feel a little sad after I speaking the last sentence.

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