~Gifting and Receiving~

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I spend the next day just laying in bed. Amethyst comes in. "Hey...it's okay, I'm sure something else will help you." she says. "Come on, get up." Amethyst encourages me as she helps me up. She blindfolds me and walks me somewhere. "Mm...where are you taking me?" I ask. "It's a surprise, dummy." she giggles. For what feels like hours she walks me around outside and finally stops. I hear people, and music. She takes my blindfold off and my eyes widen. "What is this?" I ask. "A festival!" she smiles. "Have you ever been to one?" Amethyst asks me. I shake my head. "No..." My face turns red because I'm in my pajamas and my hair is ruffled but I don't see anyone giving me dirty looks. She walks me up to a stand where I see coffee. "How do you like your coffee?" she asks me. I shrug. "Sweet..?" I tilt my head to the side as she orders me an iced coffee. I grab the cup and hesitantly take a sip. "Will this stuff actually wake me up?" I ask. "It should." she smiles and ruffles my hair. "...don't do that my hair is already ruffled enough" I mutter but it's obvious I appreciate the gesture. 

We walk over to a crystal stand. I tell Amethyst maybe we should meet back up in five minutes and get each other a gift. She nods and I point to a book stand. "That's where we'll meet up." I say. She walks away as I look down at the crystals on the stand. Perfect! I stand there for minutes trying to decide and I get her an Amethyst necklace. I check my watch to realize It's been seven minutes and not five. I rush to our meeting place, with the necklace held in my hand. I see her looking around and once she spots me she hugs me tightly. "Don't take that long. You had me worried." she says. "I was only two minutes off-" I say. "I don't care." She interrupts. She lets go of the hug hesitantly and looks at the ground. 

"So...what did you get me? She asks. I pull out the pretty purple amethyst necklace and put it in her hand. "You know, for your name?" I say. She smiles and looks thrilled. "Thank you! That's so sweet..."Amethyst pokes my cheek playfully. "Well...what did you get me?" I question curiously. She pulls out a dagger from behind her back. "It's for your journey." She says. I grab the blade and observe it. It comes in a leather scabbard with pretty patterns and carving into it. I take the dagger out and look at the shiny silver blade. "Nice...thanks." I say and put it back in the scabbard. I stuff it into my pocket and hear a loud BOOM. "Did you hear that-" I say. I hear it again and hear screams. "Marzana...look...behind you!" I look behind me to see a fire starting and the sky is darkened with mischief. "WHAT HAPPENED?!"

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