Chapter 10

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Fate had smacked me right in the face with a giant red sign. Retail space for lease.

The sign was plastered over the window of a tiny storefront in Nomad, tucked between a cafe and a nail salon. I'd passed plenty of for lease signs on my way back from another day of unsuccessful apartment hunting, but for some reason, this one screamed at me. Maybe it was the quiet street, the giant windows, and the exposed brick walls I spied inside. Or maybe it was my frustration over the standhill in divorce proceedings and desire to do something. To find a piece of myself that didn't revolve around my marriage. 

Whatever it was, it compelled me to call the number on the sign and leave a voicemail requesting more information. 

Lisa could stall all she wanted, but I wasn't putting my life on hold for her anymore. Cole could deal with the divorce while I started building a new life. One where I had control over my own finances and future. 

"I'm free any day," I said after I left the requisite contact information. Does that make me sound too desperate? Normal people didn't sit around all day waiting for a phone call, right?

"Any day with nine and five," I added hastily. Much better. 

"I look forward to hearing you soon. Thank you." I hung up, my palms clammy. 

This was it. My first step towards independence. Well, besides moving out, which didn't fully count because I didn't have my own place yet and most of my belongings were still at my penthouse. I couldn't bring myself to return to the Hudson Yards and pack up yet. 

The early October air cooled some of my nerves as I cut across the street toward Kaye's apartment. I'd started Floria Designs two years ago on a whim, and it'd blossomed into a small yet thriving business. It wasn't raking in millions or anything, but it earned a solid profit and I enjoyed the work. However, now that I was stepping out on my own, it was time to take it to the next level.

I wanted to take control and create my own future; I didn't want to be someone who put herself last. 

My phone rang when I entered the lobby of Kaye's building.

My heart skipped a beat, but instead of the Realtor calling me back, the name was a familiar one.  

"You never call, you never text. It's like I don't exist anymore," Marcelo said when I picked up. His teasing tone brought a smile to my lips. "What happened to sibling loyalty?"

"I'm not the one setting the impossible culinary standards for the rich and famous," I said. "How anyone eat another steak after they've tasted yours?"

"Ah, flattery. It'll work on me every time." My brother laughed. He was two years my junior and already one of the most celebrated chefs. We chatted for a few minutes about work and his need for a vacation before he asked, "When are you visiting again? I haven't seen you and Lisa in ages."

My smile faded. I hadn't told my family about my separation yet. One, it was hard enough to track down my mother on a regular day. Two, I only saw them once or twice a year. They had no idea I was unhappy in marriage, and I couldn't summon the energy to detail the reasons behind the separation yet. 

"Jen?" Marcelo prompted when I remained silent. "You okay?"

"Yes, I-" My response abruptly cut off when the elevator doors slid open.

Oh you've got to be kidding me. 

"I have to call you back." I said, not taking my eyes off the spectacle waiting for me outside the apartment. "I'm fine but something.. something came up."

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