Vaughn's pov

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After ending my call with Lidya, I made my way directly to the local tiny bookstore. The aged floorboards creaked beneath my weight as I entered. "Hello, welcome to Smith's Cafe and Books!" a young girl exclaimed cheerfully. I muttered a quick hello and headed straight for the erotica section. Opening my phone to the list Lidya had given me, I surveyed the array of books before me. "Shit, this is going to take some time," I muttered to myself.Just as I was about to reach up and grab a book, the girl appeared once again, her enthusiasm undeterred. "Hi again! Do you need some help? You've got quite the list there," she said, peeking at my phone. "Yeah," I mumbled, hoping she would leave me alone. "Who is it for? Maybe I can help," she offered."No, I don't need help," I snapped. The little girl started sniffling and apologized, ''it's been a long time since we had visitors i am so sorry'' she hiccupped "But I get it if you think I'm annoying," she added, rambling on."It's for a girl," I blurted out. "What?" she asked, wiping her eyes with her sleeve. "You said, 'Who is it for?' right? It's for this girl... Well, I'm hoping she'll forgive me for what I did," I admitted, realizing how strange it was to be confiding in a ten-year-old. Jesus, what am I doing?She giggled mischievously. "Ooooh, you have a crush," she teased. "Yes, I do. Now, are you going to help me?" I raised an eyebrow."Yes, yes, of course!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down with excitement. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Over the next half-hour, I watched as the little girl, whom I learned was named Milly, eagerly climbed up and down to retrieve the books I needed, placing them carefully in a basket."Here, your total will be $50," she chirped once she had gathered all the books. I handed her a $300 bill and whispered, "Buy as many sweets as you want," winking at her."Thank you!" she exclaimed, jumping off the counter to hug me tightly. I bid her farewell, and she joyfully bounced around with her newfound $300 bill. As I made my way back to my car, carrying my bag of books, a feeling of being followed briefly crossed my mind. I brushed it off, ignoring the sensation, and settled into my seat. I then proceeded to fold the papers into roses, attaching them to the book to create a bouquet. With a handwritten poem adorning the side, I slipped the gift into my car once again and drove off to see her.

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