Alicia's pov

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the prickling sensation yanks me from my dark reverie, my head pounding like a drum. I gaze down hoping that this is nothing by a fleeting nightmare. Alas, my hands are cruelly bound by coarse ropes, my skin damp with the salty sheen of sweat. Every part of me aches, my throat parched, my skull throbbing as if I've been battered against an unyielding door.

The darkness creeps back in, to drag me under once more. But I fight, peeling my eyes open, surveying my surroundings. The invisible claws of the shadows claw at my throat, ripping it raw as I sense a presence nearby. "So, you're finally awake," a voice murmurs, and my head snaps to the voice, bile rising up my throat as I meet a pair of crazed eyes.

"Please, let me go," I croak.

"Oh, don't worry, darling, I won't harm you," he purrs, his lips curling into a wicked smile. "It's Vaughn that I plan to hurt."

My heart sinks, Vaughn, no. I shake my head trying to deny it "Why are you doing this?" I cry, tears threatening to spill over.

"the details are for Vaughn to uncover," he chuckles, pulling out his phone and snapping a photo of me. "Now, rest up, my dear. You'll need your strength."

With that, he leaves, the door clicking shut behind him, leaving me alone with the consuming darkness that is swallowing me whole.Please, Vaughn, please... stay away.

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