'Your eyes are really pretty'

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I walk to the losers cabin to grab my stuff I left there

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I walk to the losers cabin to grab my stuff I left there. I felt someone looking at me but I just brush it off. I open the door to the girls side to see Sierra curled up into a ball on the floor, crying, saying something about Camody or whatever. Either way, it isn't my problem anymore, I grab my backpack and leave.

I felt relived not being on that team anymore. Now I don't have to worry about Duncan being there, or Sierra taking photos of me sleeping. It felt good being free of the competition. One million dollars would be great but I'd rather not have to be something I'm not or be worried about how people see me just to earn it.

Before going back to Chris' cottage there's one more thing I need to do. Walk to where Mal and I laid last night and smile. I'm gonna miss being able to lay down with him and just be me with him. A hand grabs my shoulder. I turn and see 'Mike'. To be honest, if it weren't for the eye bags I wouldn't know it was Mal.

"Hey, Princess," he smirks.

"Hey, Hot-Topic," I smirk back.

"Any idea who rigged the votes against you?"

"Chris is gonna tell me. But you'll definitely see it in the next challenge. Whoever it was I'll bring hell to them,"

"That's what I want to hear. Make sure to tell me, I'll give you a hand on the chaos."

I smile at him and hug him.

"Woah, what's with the hug, gorgeous?" He laughs a little at the interaction but hugs me back. I just smile into his chest.

"Thank you," I say, still embracing him.

"For what?" He asks, putting his head on mine.

"For everything. You always know what to say and do to make me feel better,"

"I'll do anything to make you feel better, Princess," he holds me tighter before letting go and grabbing my hand. "I'll walk you back,"

I look at him and smile, squeezing his hand slightly. He squeezes back.

The walk was quiet but comfortable. It helped get rid of all the anger I felt during my elimination. To be honest the only reason why I didn't freak out was because I couldn't even process my elimination it was only until I was walking with Chris I started getting angry about it. I was just so shocked.

Eventually we make it to Chris' "cottage", I look up at Mal, I brush the hair away from his eye. He stares at me, confused, I just stare at his eyes.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" He says. I smile, remembering when I said that to him.

"Sorry... it's just your eyes are really pretty..." I mumble, moving my hands down his face. I cup his cheeks, and slowly move closer, closing the gap between us.

I did.

I fucking did it.

I kissed him.

It was short and sweet. I pull away soon after. He stood there, just... staring into space.

The awkwardness started to set in...

"Uh... I-I'll see you tomorrow..." I blurt out before walking into Chris' cottage.

When I opened the door, I saw Chris sitting there at the table.

"How was your little smooch session with lover boy?" Chris says smugly. My eyes widen a little.

"I-I don't know... I hope he doesn't hate me for it..." I rub the back of my neck.

"Psshhh! I doubt it. Anyways, your uniform and the tape is in the room at the end of the hallway to the left." Chris was being surprisingly nice. Kind of like how he was back in the first season... Maybe he realised the fans liked him more back then.

"Thanks. Uhm but if you hear screaming or things breaking that's probably because of the tape,"

"I'll let you get your revenge on whoever it was." Chris says, having that psychotic glint in his eyes return. I smile and walk off.

The hallway was fucking massive like this hallway alone could be the size of half my house. I open the door to see the fold-out couch opened with the uniform that looked like Chris' but in a different colour and a VHS tape. I grab the tape and search for a VHS player. I look at the TV unit and find it. I insert the tape. Static covers the screen before the confessional loads.

The static stops and the picture of the culprit and the outhouse appear.

"No. Fucking. Way..." I mutter looking at the person.

"I feel like Harold right now. But listen, if you're gonna make Gwen hate me then so be it." He says holding his butter knife to the camera.


Fucking. Duncan.

I pause the video, grab a pillow and scream into it. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?? HES BLAMING ME FOR GWEN ANGRY AT HIM?? IS HE DUMB??"

Even through my anger I press the play button. "And also this proves I'm no hero. I still got that bad boy in me!"

I can't believe it. This fucking dipshit rigged the votes against me because he believed I got Gwen to be angry at him, even when he doesn't shut up about Courtney around her??

I ball my fist, grabbing the pillow before screaming into it again and then punching it away from me.

He better count his days because I'm bouta rip him a new asshole...

He better count his days because I'm bouta rip him a new asshole

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