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<March 19, 1956.

The undersigned Dr. M. Greyson writes down a report about the events occurred between September and November 1953 in the female boarding school of Saint Margaret, in Jersey island, uploaded of circumstances that I had omitted at that time.

I was sent to the mentioned college as a female support psychologist, due to an accident occurred to one of the pupils.

For several years I collaborated with child protection services as a support psychologist.

I never married and I dedicated myself zealously to my work.

I arrived on the island from London on September 26th 1953, I was forty-three years old. I rented a room in an inn.

When I first arrived at the college I would never imagine what secrets that austere place concealed.

I can no longer stay silent about the inconvenient truth that I learned within those walls.

The incident I had to shed light on, given the circumstances were unclear, had happened nearly a month earlier, at the beginning of semester, when one of the pupils had fallen from the staircase balustrade, which it was broken, suffering from an head injury.

Apparently the girl since then had been suffering from an alteration of mental state due to the trauma. However, as I learned, she had been kept in the college since she had no family.

It was suspected the happening might have been an attempt suicide and therefore I was sent to clarify it.

One of the pupils that I conversed with some times once gave me a book about the flowers symbolism, which was an interest of hers.

I am reading the book lately, since I find many similarities between the flowers and the people I met in this affair.

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