Happy things

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Happy things are all around,
In the sights and sounds that surround,
In the beauty of a setting sun,
And the laughter of someone having fun.

In a warm embrace from a friend,
And the joy that love can send,
In the taste of a delicious meal,
And the way a song can make you feel.

In the gentle breeze on a summer day,
And the colorful flowers in a bouquet,
In the comfort of your favorite place,
And the smile on a stranger's face.

In the simple pleasures of life,
And the absence of any strife,
In the happiness that comes from within,
And the feeling of contentment that sets in.

So let's focus on the happy things,
And all the joy that life can bring,
For when we look for happiness each day,
We'll find it in every little way.

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