Chapter 14 The Invasion of Malaysia

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In January 24 2028 Netanyahu declares war in Malaysia. The Malaysians are now scared because they're next. Netanyahu doesn't care about sanctions as he comitted more war crimes by killing islamic people and put them in acid pits. The IDF invades Kuala Lampur by destroying the twin towers. Later the IDF captures Kuala Lampur and executed the Sultan  and Prime Minister of Malaysia they were also killed by a firing squad. Isaac now begins to worry that the IDF becomes more crazy and tells the general to stop Isaac says "STOP IT PLEASE IM BEGGING IF WE KEEP DOING THIS THE EUROPEANS WILL RETALIATE" The  General doesn't listen to Isaac which is gonna be a horrible idea if they invade Indonesia and commit more War Crimes. Isaac is now very worried about this because he's gonna get involved in the battlefield. They continue killing muslims on the Indonesian border.

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