Chapter 15 The surrender of Indonesia And Isaacs Guilt

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In oct 9th 2028 The final battle of indonesia had begun. IDF Has prepared a full assault on Jakarta. Indonesians are now begging  and crying for mercy. Isaac is now sad and  angry because he hears sad voices in his head. One of the innocent voices say "MAMA YOU KILLED MY MAMA AND BABA!!!" The islamic kid cries before he gets killed by the IDF. Later jakarta surrenders and executes Joko Widodo by a firing squad on live tv. The IDF now celebrates their victory while killing all of the indonesians and demolished all of the mosque in Jakarta and put all of the javanese natives into the acid pits and all of the indonesian and its natives are dead. And the Israelis put a sign in hebrew saying Jews forever. Meanwhile Isaac is now sad crying in his room and says "why did i do this why did i joined the army?" As he cries in fear he now suffers in stressed. As his friend Levi comforts him and ask "are you okay?" Isaac then yells "NO IM NOT OKAY WHY WOULD I BE OKAY IF OUR GOVERNMENT DECLARES WAR ON EVERY ISLAMIC COUNTRY AND REMOVE ISLAM THINKING ISLAM IS A SIN ITS NOT JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" Isaac then leaves Levi  and runs away.
The general ask "what happened?" Levi then responds "sir he thinks were war criminals" the general said "look tell him to make acid gas we'll used it  to  experiment on the indonesian" Levi replies back "but sir he cant he's too stubborn!"  General replied back "THATS AN ORDER LIEUTENANT!!" Levi then replies "roger that general" later they found Isaac and forced him to make acid gas to tortue the indonesians. Isaac then replies"I WANNA GO HOME YOU GUYS ARE BASTARDS!!!!" Levi replied "SHUT THE HELL UP AND MAKE ACID GAS!!!!" Isaac is now sad while making acid gas to torture the indonesians if the indonesians  escape.

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